Church Hierarchy

His Holiness – The Patriarch

His Holiness - The Patriarch
His Holiness, the Patriarch, Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II is the legitimate successor of St. Peter the Head Apostle. The Patriarch is the Supreme Head of the Syrian/Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, the defender of its faith, doctrine, and apostolic traditions. The symbol of its unity, its representative and spokesman everywhere the general supervisor of all its affairs and the Spiritual Father of all Syrian/Syriac Orthodox people worldwide. His Holiness must be obeyed by the Catholicos, Metropolitans (Bishops), Priests (Vicars), Monks, Nuns, Deacons and all laity. His Holiness name shall be proclaimed throughout all Syrian/Syriac Orthodox Churches/Parishes and Congregations during the Holy Qurbano (Holy Mass) and canonical prayers, before the name of the Diocesan Metropolitan (Bishop), and in Jacobite Syrian Churches/Parishes and Congregations before the name of the Catholicos. His title is: His Holiness the Supreme Pontiff Moran Mor Ignatius … Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and the Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church.

His Beatitude – the Catholicos

His Beatitude – the Catholicos
The Catholicos of India is an ecclesiastical office of the Syriac Orthodox Church and the head of the Jacobite Syrian Christian Church. He is the Catholicos/Maphrian of the Jacobite Syrian Christian Church, an autonomous body within the Syriac Orthodox Church. The jurisdiction of Catholicos was in India of the East, Hence Syriac Orthodox Church Catholicos of the East was renamed the Catholicos of India in 2002. The position had remained vacant between 1996 and 2002. The current Catholicos of India is His Beatitude Baselios Thomas I. He was enthroned as the Catholicos by Ignatius Zakka I Iwas Patriarch of Antioch at St. Peter and St. Paul Cathedral in Mor Ephrem Monastery near Damascus on 26 July 2002. He is the third Indian Maphrian and Catholicos of the Syriac Orthodox Church in India and former Metropolitan Trustee of the Jacobite Syrian Christian Church.

His Eminence – the Patriarchal Vicar (Metropolitan/Bishop)

His Eminence - the Metropolitan
The Patriarchal Vicar (Metropolitan/Bishop) is one of the Church shepherds, the Successors of the Apostles. He is elected by the Diocesan General Body and consecrated either by the Catholicos or the H. H. the Patriarch after the Holy Synods’ approval. He should obey the instructions of H.H the Patriarch. He should be obeyed by the Priests/Vicars, Deacons and all the people of his Diocese. His name shall be proclaimed throughout the Churches of his Diocese after the name of H.B the Catholicos. His title is: “His Eminence…” The title of the Patriarchal Vicar shall be: “His Grace Mor …”. The present Patriarchal Vicar is His Eminence Mor Athanasios Geevargis.

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