St.George Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church Melbourne
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Church Management
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Liju Mathew
Vice President :
Mr. Kurian John
Secretary :
Mr. Beljo K Joy
Treasurer :
Mr. Athul Varghese
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Jaison Ulahannan
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Eldho V Paul
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Nisha Paul
2) Mr. Baby Mani
3) Mr. Jo Mathew
4) Mr. Sunil Kurian
5) Mr. Lalu Peter
6) Ms. Liya Shaji
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Bose Jose
2) Mr. Shibu Kolappillil
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Praveen Kuriakose Kodiyattil
Asst. Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Mr. Rajan Mani
Secretary :
Mr. Bose Jose
Treasurer :
Mr. Shibu Kolappillil
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Kurian Thomas
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Eldho V Paul
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Nisha Paul
2) Mr. Beljo K Joy
3) Mr. Saju Paulose
4) Mr. Nipun Johny Pokkidiyil
5) Mr. Lalu Peter
6) Mr. Shaji Paul Mattamana
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Saji Paul
2) Mr. Jerry Cherian
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Bijo Varghese / Rev. Fr. Praveen Kuriakose
Asst. Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Mr. George Kurian
Secretary :
Mr. Saji Paul
Treasurer :
Mr. Jerry Cherian
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Sajan Narekat
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Kurian Cheriyan
Committee members :
1) Chev. Thomas Abraham (Saji)
2) Mrs. Ann Alexander
3) Mrs. Juny Kollaramalil
4) Mrs. Sheeba Biju
5) Mr. Abraham Kolasseril
6) Mr. Allwyn Mathews
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Biju Cherian
1) Mr. Eldo Kollaramalil
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Bijo Varghese / Rev. Fr. Praveen Kuriakose
Asst. Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Mr. Kurian John
Secretary :
Mr. Eldo Issac Kollaramalil
Treasurer :
Mr. Biju Cherian
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Aby Poikattil
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Mohan Markose
Committee members :
1) Chev. Thomas Abraham (Saji)
2) Mrs. Ann Alexander
3) Mr. Baby Mani
4) Mr. Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah (Monzy)
5) Mr. Rengith Thomas
6) Mr. Saju Paulose
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Kurian Cheriyan
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Bijo Varghese (Elias Tholumkulam)
Asst. Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Cmdr. Jacob Cherian (Babuji)
Secretary :
Mr. Eldo Issac Kollaramalil
Treasurer :
Mr. Kurian Cheriyan
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Mathew Zachariah
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Jacob George
Committee members :
1) Chev. Thomas Abraham (Saji)
2) Mrs. Maya Sajan Narekat
3) Mr. Kurian John
4) Mr. Rijesh Yohannan
5) Mr. Sunil Kurian
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Bijo Varghese (Elias Tholumkulam)
Asst. Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Cmdr. Jacob Cherian (Babuji)
Secretary :
Mr. Eldo Issac Kollaramalil
Treasurer :
Mr. Kurian Cheriyan
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Mathew Zachariah
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Jacob George
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Maya Sajan Narekat
2) Mr. Kuriakose Thazhathemolathu
2) Mr. Kurian John
3) Mr. Rijesh Yohannan
4) Mr. Sunil Kurian
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Abraham Kolasseril
2) Mr. Biju Cherian
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Bijo Varghese (Elias Tholumkulam)
Assistant Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Mr. Alex John
Secretary :
Mr. Abraham Kolasseril (AB)
Treasurer :
Mr. Biju Cherian
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Sajan Narekat
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Eldo Issac
Committee members :
1) Chev. Thomas Abraham
2) Mrs. Ann Alexander
3) Mr. Jimmy Jacob
4) Mr. Pramod Paul
5) Mr. Sunesh Abraham (Sunu)
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Saji Paul
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Eldo Varkey Valiaparambil / Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril / Rev. Fr. Bijo Varghese (Elias Tholumkulam)
Assistant Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Cmdr. Joy Alexander
Secretary :
Mr. Saji Paul
Treasurer :
Mr. Biju Cherian
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Abraham Kolasseril (AB)
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Eldo Issac
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Jiji Kuriakose
2) Mr. Binu Kuriakose
3) Mr. Bobby Paul
4) Mr. Jinson Peter
5) Mr. Teny Alex
Ex-Officio :
1) Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah
Internal Auditor :
Mr. Anil Paul
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Eldo Varkey Valiaparambil
Assistant Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Cmdr. Joy Alexander
Secretary :
Mr. Saji Paul
Treasurer :
Mr. Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah (Monzy)
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Baby Mani
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Jimmy Jacob
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Minimol Jolly
1) Mr. Ivan John
2) Mr. Kuriakose Thazhathemolathu
3) Mr. Sunil Kurian
4) Mr. Teny Alex
Ex-Officio :
1) Chev. Thomas Abraham
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Eldo Varkey Valiaparambil
Assistant Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Cmdr. Joy Alexander
Secretary :
Chev. Thomas Abraham (Saji)
Treasurer :
Mr. Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Kuriakose Thazhathemolathu
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Jimmy Jacob
Committee members :
1) Cmdr. Jacob Cherian
2) Mrs. Sheeba Biju
3) Mr. Alex C John
4) Mr. Jolly P Johnson
5) Mr. Sunesh Abraham
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Biju Cherian
Key Events :
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Eldo Varkey Valiaparambil
Assistant Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril
Vice President :
Cmdr. Jacob Cherian (Babuji)
Secretary :
Mr. Biju Cherian
Treasurer :
Mr. Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah (Monzy)
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Eldo Issac
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Jimmy Jacob
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Ann Alexander
2) Mr. Allwyn Mathews
3) Mr. Baby Mani
4) Mr. Ivan John
5) Mr. Sunesh Abraham (Sunu)
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Kurian Cheriyan
Key Events :
The builder was appointed to construct the Church building
Rev. Fr. Dr. Dennis Kolasseril was appointed Assistant Vicar of the Church and conducted the first Holy Qurbono on 01 Feb 2015
Balasamajam was conducted for the first time
St Ignatios Elias III Pilgrim Walk was conducted for the first time as part of the 82nd Dukrono of St. Ignatios Elias III (Manjinikkara Bava) where pilgrims walked from St Aphrem Syrian Orthodox Church to the Service Centre at St Albans on 13-14 Feb 2015
A one-day retreat with the theme ‘Witness the Christ’ was conducted for the Jacobite Youth in Melbourne regionon 23 May 2015
Youth organised blood donation for Red Cross for the first time
The Holy Qurbono started to be conducted in English language monthly once from August 2015
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Eldo Varkey Valiaparambil
Vice President :
Cmdr. Joy Alexander
Secretary :
Mr. Biju Cherian
Treasurer :
Mr. Kurian Cheriyan
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Alex C John
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah (Monzy)
Committee members :
1) Cmdr. Jacob Cherian (Babuji)
2) Chev. Thomas Abraham
3) Mrs. Sheeba Biju
4) Mr. Baby Mani
5) Mr. Sunesh Abraham (Sunu)
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Abraham Kolasseril (AB)
Key Events :
The venue to conduct Holy Qurbono at the Service Centre was moved to St George Coptic Orthodox Church, At Albans from Sep 2013
Conducted a parish camp for the first time during 22-24 Nov 2013 at Grantville Uniting Church
The structural plan of the church was approved by Kingston Council
Parish Directory was published for the first time in print as well as through an online website
A 3 day Vachanolsavam was held during the passion week
Family Fun Fair fund raising program was conducted
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Eldo Varkey Valiaparambil
Vice President :
Cmdr. Jacob Cherian
Secretary :
Mr. Abraham Kolasseril (AB)
Treasurer :
Mr. Kurian Cheriyan
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Biju Cherian
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Raju K Varkey
Committee members :
1) Chev. Thomas Abraham (Saji)
2) Mrs. Rekha Ciju
3) Mr. Baby Mani
4) Mr. Ciju Joseph
5) Mr. Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah (Monzy)
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. George Kurian
2) Cmdr. Joy Alexander
Internal Auditor :
Mr. Kurian Cheriyan
Key Events :
The venue to conduct Holy Qurbono was moved to Phoenix Park Hall, Malvern East from 10-Mar-2013
The venue to conduct Holy Qurbono at the Service Centre was moved to St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church, Preston from 15-Jun-2013. Holy Qurbono is being conducted every 2nd and 4th Saturdays.
Kingston Council approved the plan and issued permit to construct the Church in the land.
Dr. Elizabeth John of our parish received Young Victorian Achiever award for Science & technlogy.
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Boby Thomas / Rev. Fr. Eldo Varkey Valiaparambil
Vice President :
Cmdr. Jacob Cherian (Babuji)
Secretary :
Mr. George Kurian
Treasurer :
Cmdr. Joy Alexander
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Biju Cherian
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah (Monzy)
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Madhu Iywan
2) Mr. Baby Mani
3) Mr. Ciju Joseph
4) Mr. Eldho Varkey
5) Mr. Renju Ittera
Ex-Officio :
1) Mr. Alex C John
2) Chev. Thomas Abraham (Saji)
Internal Auditor :
Mr. Kurian Cheriyan
Key Events :
A new service centre was started with the name ‘St Ignatius Elias IIIrd Service Centre’ at North-West Melbourne on 10 MAR 2012 and the inaugural Holy Qurbono was celebrated by Diocese Metropolitan. The venue to conduct the service was Mor Yacoub Burdono Syrian Church.
The service of washing the feet was conducted for the first time by the Diocese Metropolitan
Rev. Fr. Eldo Varkey Valiaparambil was appointed the Vicar of the Church from 01 May 2012
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Boby Thomas
Vice President :
Cmdr. Joy Alexander
Secretary :
Chev. Thomas Abraham (Saji)
Treasurer :
Mr. Alex C John
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Wilson Paul
Joint Treasurer :
Mr. Raju K Varkey
Committee members :
1) Cmdr. Jacob Cherian
2) Mr. Baby Mani
3) Mr. Eldho Varkey
4) Mr. Jacob Mathew
5) Mr. Joy Chacko
Internal Auditor :
Mr. Maju Zachariah
Key Events :
A family get together was held at the Church land in the presence of Diocese Metropolitan H.E. Mor Ireneous Paulose
A layout and plan for the Church was drafted approved by the general body. This was submitted to Kingston Council for approval
The foundation stone for the Church was laid on 27 Feb 2011 by H.B. Catholicos Mor Baselios Thomas I
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Boby Thomas
Vice President :
Cmdr. Jacob Cherian
Secretary :
Chev. Thomas Abraham
Treasurer/Trustee :
Mr. Joy Varghese (20 Dec 2009 – Cmdr. Joy Alexander)
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Kuriakose Thazhathemolathu
Joint Treasurer/Trustee :
Cmdr. Joy Alexander (20 Dec 2009 – Mr. Raju K Varkey)
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Madhu Iywan
2) Mr. Biju Cherian
3) Mr. Ciju K Kurian
4) Mr. Ivan John
5) Mr. Johney Varghese (20 Dec 2009 – Mr. Alex C John)
6) Mr. Raju K Varkey (20 Dec 2009 – Mr. Aby Scaria)
Internal Auditor :
Mr. Maju Zachariah
Key Events :
A land was purchased for the construction of Church at 419 Centre Dandenong Road, Heatherton VIC 3202 and settled on 22 Feb 2010
The first council meeting of the Australia-New Zealand Diocese was held on 04 Nov 2009 at our Church with participants from 7 Churches
Mr. Jacob Cherian and Mr. Joy Alexander was awarded the position of Commander and Mr. Thomas Abraham was awarded the position of Chevalier
The venue to conduct services of the Church was moved to Archangel Michael & St Anthony Coptic Orthodox Church, 136 Drummond St, Oakleigh VIC 3166
The geographical service area of the Church was partitioned into 7 zones with the names – St George, St Athanasius, St Kuriakose, St John, St Basil, St Ignatius and St Gregorios
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Ullas Varkey Vettikunnel / Rev. Fr. Sebu Paul Vendrappillil / Rev. Fr. Boby Thomas
Vice President :
Mr. Joy Alexander
Secretary :
Mr. Thomas Abraham
Treasurer/Trustee :
Mr. Ivan John
Joint Secretary :
Mr. Abraham Kolasseril
Joint Treasurer/Trustee :
Mr. Joy Varghese
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Anila Alex
2) Mr. Baby Mani
3) Mr. Biju Varghese
4) Mr. Jacob Cherian
5) Mr. Renju Ittera
Internal Auditor :
Mr. Maju Zachariah
Key Events :
Rev. Fr. Ullas Varkey Vettikunnel completed his term and a sent off was provided on 03 Aug 2008
Rev. Fr. Sebu Paul Vendrappillil was temporarily appointed as Vicar and arrived in Melbourne on 16 Aug 2008
Rev. Fr. Ullas Varkey Vettikunnel was ordained Metropolitan of Kozhikode Diocese with the name Mor Irenious Paulose on 24 Aug 2008
Mor Irenious Paulose visited Melbourne and celebrated Holy Qurbono in the Church on 30 Nov 2008
The constitution of the Church was drafted and submitted for the approval of H.H. The Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas who approved it on 01 Oct 2008
St George Times – a newsletter was published in the second half of 2008
A Calendar was first published in the parish for the year 2009
Rev. Fr. Sebu Paul Vendrappillil completed his term and a sent off was provided on 03 May 2009
Rev. Fr. George Vayaliparambil (Vicar of St Marys JSOC Sydney) celebrated Holy Qurbono on 10, 17 May 2009
Rev. Fr. Boby Thomas was appointed as Vicar and he arrived in Melbourne on 22 May 2009
A website was fist published for the parish with the name
President & Vicar :
Rev. Fr. Ullas Varkey Vettikunnel
Vice President :
Mr. Jacob Cherian (Babuji)
Treasurer/Trustee :
Mr. Joy Alexander
Secretary :
Mr. Thomas Abraham
Committee members :
1) Mrs. Ansu Manoj
2) Mr. Alex C John
3) Mr. Ciju K Kurian
4) Mr. George Kurian
5) Mr. Joy Varghese
6) Mr. Kuriakose Thazhathemolathu
7) Mr. Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah
8) Mr. Wilson Paul
Key Events :
H.E. Mor Themotheos Thomas visited Melbourne and the parish on 08 Aug 2007
JSVBS was conducted for the first time in the parish on 05 Oct 2007
The work for the development of a Church website started
Church Establishment Committee was formed with selected members from the management committee.
Wedding was solemnized in the parish for the first time
H.B. Catholicos Aboon Mor Baseleos Thomas I visited Melbourne on 22 Apr 2008 and was accompanied by Rev. Fr. Joby John
Constitution subcommittee was formed to establish as Constitution for the Church and a draft was submitted
Church Establishment Committee took part in the auction for a Church property
President & Vicar :
Rev. Corepiscopa Peter Velamparambil / Rev. Fr. Ullas Varkey Vettikunnel
Treasurer/Trustee :
Mr. Joy Alexander
Secretary :
Mr. Kuruvilla Ben Zachariah (Monzy)
Committee members :
1) Mr. Alex C John
2) Mr. George Kurian
3) Mr. Jacob Cherian (Babuji)
4) Mr. John Kuruvilla
5) Mr. Joy Varghese
6) Mr. Joseph Kuriakose (Ippachan)
7) Mr. Manoj Kuriakose
8) Mr. Thomas Abraham (Saji)
9) Mr. Wilson Paul
Internal Auditor :
Mr. Ivan John
Key Events :
The First meeting to initiate the activities of a Church was conducted on 11 Mar 2006 with 6 individuals at the residence of Thomas Abraham
The Second meeting was conducted on 08 Apr 2006 with 15 individuals at the residence of Joy Alexander
The First Holy Qurbono was celebrated on 30 Apr 2006 at 3:00 PM in St. Aphrem Syrian Orthodox Church, 2-4 Joffre Street, Reservoir VIC 3073, under the leadership of Rev. Corepiscopa Peter Velamparambil (Vicar of St Marys JSO Church, Sydney)
Holy Qurbono continued to be held at St. Aphrem Syrian Orthodox Church, 2-4 Joffre Street, Reservoir VIC 3073
The Holy Bull from H.E. Mor Theophilos Kuriakose naming the Church ‘St George Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church’ was read on 30 Apr 2006
Rev. Fr. Isakender Aphrem of St Aphrem SOC led the Holy Qurbono and other services in the parish whenever the need arises
Rev. Fr. Ullas Varkey Vettikunnel was appointed the first Vicar of the Church, who arrived in Melbourne on 07 Dec 2006 and celebrated the first Holy Qurbono on 10 Dec 2006
The First Carol Service visiting a few houses of the parish was conducted
The Half-Yearly General Meeting was held on 04 Mar 2007
The First budget and statement of income and expenditure was presented in the Half-Yearly General Meeting
The First anniversary of the parish and the feast of St George was celebrated on 29 Apr 2007
Constitution Committee and Fund Raising Committee was formed
Sunday School, Morth Mariyam Vanitha Samajam, Youth Association, and Choir were formed
A baptism was held in the parish for the first time
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