All Holy Fathers & Doctors of the Church (dukhrono abohotho qadishe wmalfone d'ito)
1 January 2025
January 1st is commemoration of the dukhrono of All Holy Fathers & Doctors of the Church along with St. Basil & St. Gregory of Nyssa (dukhrono abohotho qadishe wmalfone d'ito wad Mor Baselios u Mor Gregorios d'nawsa)
Today we remember those who labored for the one true faith of the Syriac Orthodox Church. The fathers & theologians remembered are those who defended the sound Orthodox doctrine during the 3 Holy Ecumenical Synods & also those who protected the Church during times of terrible persecution afterwards. These Holy fathers handed down the Apostolic teachings & the genuine, undefiled, incorruptible faith even if it meant they'd be martyred. The Church also specially commemorates St. Basil of Caesarea & his younger brother St. Gregory of Nyssa, both of whom were erudite theologians. The pair along with St. Gregory of Nazianzus are known as the Cappadocian Fathers. In honour of the two brothers, the Syriac Orthodox Catholicose of the East (Maphriyano) uses the title Baselios while the Syriac Orthodox archbishop of Jerusalem previously used the title Gregorios.
The dismissal hymn (Taw nadayed dukhronoayhoon/Orthodukso Vishwasam) sung on this day honours some of these fathers with special epithets:
1. St. Ignatius +107 (Mor Ignatius Noorono) the 3rd Patriarch of Antioch, called the Illuminator
2. St. Gregory of Nazianzus +390 (Mor Gregorios d'nazianzin) the Patriarch of Constantinople, called the theologian & sea of wisdom
3. St. Cyril +444 (Mor Coorilos) Patriarch of Alexandria, called the sweet waterfall
4. St. John Chrysostom +407 (Mor Ivanios) Patriarch of Constantinople, called the golden mouth
5. St. Basil +379 (Mor Baselios) bishop of Caesarea
6. St. Gregory +395 (Mor Gregorios) bishop of Nyssa, called the great
7. St. Dioscorus +454 (Mor Dioscorus) Patriarch of Alexandria
8. St. Clement (Mor Clemis) either of Rome +100 or of Alexandria +215
9. St. Philoxenus +523 (Mor Akhsnoyo) bishop of Mabbug
10. St. Severus +538 (Mor Severios), Patriarch of Antioch, called the illustrious
May the prayers of all the Holy fathers & doctors of the Syriac Orthodox Church be a stronghold for us. Amen.
Listen to the hymn sung by HG Mor Osthatheos Ishaq:
See more details
Circumcision of our Lord (gzoorto d'Moran) and New Year
January 1st is the commemoration of the Feast of the Circumcision of our Lord Jesus (Hido d'gzoorto d'Moran Yeshu) and New Year of the Lord (rish shato mshihoyto) according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
In accordance with Jewish tradition, eight days after His birth, Jesus was taken to be circumcised & also formally named, "his name was called Jesus, which was so named by the angel before he was conceived in the womb." Circumcision was a sign of God’s Covenant with Abraham & his descendants [Genesis 17:10-14, Leviticus 12:3]. The Holy Fathers of the Church explain that the Lord, the Creator of the Law, underwent circumcision in order to give people an example of how faithfully the divine ordinances ought to be fulfilled. The Lord was circumcised so that later no one would doubt that He had truly assumed human flesh, & that His Incarnation was not merely an illusion, as certain heretics had taught. Christ was, as St Paul says, "made under the law", that is, submitted to the Mosaic tradition in order to fulfill all justice. The ritual of circumcision was a prefigure for holy baptism.
“Again, we say that Christ was circumcised in order to give us baptism, which typified and referred to circumcision. And without the circumcision of the flesh, there was no way (for Christ) to give us the true circumcision, which is baptism. Since circumcision is mutilation of the flesh that overlaid the genital organ like a cover, baptism is the mutilation of the [old] man of sin which is overlaid on the heart like a cover, making the one who is baptized a new man, and the son of the heavenly Father, and brother of Christ.” – Excerpt from Mor Severios Moshe Bar Kepha ♰ 903, Commentary on St. Luke 2:21
“Today, Christ willingly was circumcised according to the law that Moses commanded to the Hebrews. Thus, the mysteries and parables by which the prophets foretold His coming were completed and fulfilled” – Huthumo
In today's Gospel, our Lord says, "This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you...If the world hates you, yes know that it hated me before it hated you." As we begin a New Year, let us be obedient to the commandments of our Lord. Just as Christ followed the Old Law & was circumcised, let us Christians follow the new divine ordinances given to us. While the world may hate us for following Christ, our reward in Heaven is eternal life with the Father.
"O Lord of all beings, bless the beginning of the new year. Grant to us a blissful life with the rising sun of every new morning. Increase unto us graces and sprinkle the earth with dew. Make the fields and plants to blossom with bountiful seeds and fruits. May Your power rid us of all kinds of grief and hardship. May Your Cross save our congregation from pain and infirmity." - Kasaloki on January 1st, Syriac hymnal
The Holy Bible readings from the Church Lectionary:
Evening:St. John 10:1-16
Morning:Luke 2:21 4:14-30 4:32St. John 7:37-44, 7:15-18
Before Holy Qurbono:Genesis 17:9-27Deuteronomy 10:12-11:11 Samuel 14:27-34Isaiah 40:25-31
Holy Qurbono:Acts 7:2-10Romans 2:28-3:8Peter 5:5-11St. John 15:8-19
For sermons/commentaries based on the Gospel: Tone of the Day: 8
Syriac Prayers:
Fixed Feast
Metropolitan Consecration of H.G. Mor Athanasius Elias
H.G. Mor Athanasius Elias, Metropolitan of Thrissur Diocese was consecrated on January 1st 2007 by Catholicose H.B. Mor Baselius Thomas I.
Mor Ignatius Noorono +107
January 1st is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Ignatius of Antioch +107 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Ignatius Noorono was the third Patriarch of Antioch, the successor to St. Peter the chief of the Apostles. Church historian Eusebius of Caesarea writes that St. Ignatius succeeded St. Evodius, likewise St. John Chrysostom states St. Peter specifically chose St. Ignatius to be his successor. Ignatius is also called Theophorus in Greek which means 'God-Borne' because of the tradition that he was the child Christ held according to the Gospel of Matthew 18:2-3. Theophorus may also be interpreted as 'God-Bearer' because of the virtue practiced by Ignatius in witnessing God as is expected of every true believer. In Syriac he is given the title Noorono or 'Illuminator/fire-bearer'.
St. Ignatius wrote 7 letters to root out the heresies which were plaguing the early Church. The letters are addressed to Ephesians, Magnesians, Trallians, Romans, Philadelphians, Smyrnaeans, & to his friend St. Polycarpos the bishop of Smyrna. He wrote these letters en route from Smyrna to Rome where he was to be executed. Some of the most important quotations from his writings against heresies include the following:
He stresses Christ’s true humanity & identifies it with the healing food of the Eucharist, calling the Body of Christ "medicine of immortality" Further, he describes: every time this mystery is celebrated, “the work of our redemption is carried on & we break the one bread that provides the antidote for death & the food that makes us live forever in Jesus Christ. Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ which has come to us, & see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God... They abstain from the Eucharist & from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins & which that Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes."
St. Ignatius was ordered to be executed by Roman Emperor Trajan. Bishop Polycarp welcomed St. Ignatius on his way to Rome (to be executed) under armed guard. Several Syrian Christian delegates from other churches at Smyrna received him. At Rome he was thrown into the amphitheater filled with voracious lions to be devoured on October 17th. It is said that only the toughest of his bones remained. Thus Mor Ignatius Noorono attained the crown of martyrdom. His relics were then taken to Antioch & venerated by the pious believers. Emperor Theodosius II later moved his relics to another church in the city on December 20th.
Biography courtesy of, 'Martyrs, Saints and Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church'
Oh Mor Ignatius Noorono! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
St Basil of Caesarea and St. Gregory of Nyssa
St. Baselius of Caesarea (c. 329-379) was filled with the Holy Spirit, and wrote the liturgy that is named after him. God wrought by his hands many signs and miracles. Among them, some heretics gained control over one of the churches and decided to close it unless someone opened it by his prayers. By the prayers of this saint, the church was opened and the believers gained access to it once again. Another sign: Abba Ephraim saw a pillar of light between earth and heaven and heard a voice saying, "This is Basil." St. Ephraim came to the city of Caesarea and witnessed the virtues of St. Basil. St. Basil ordained him a deacon.
St. Gregorios of Nyssa, (c. 330-395) the brother of St. Basil the Great, was a great father of the church was virtuous and so were his brothers. He was very well versed in the art of discourse and in the Greek language. He was also strongly zealous in his Orthodox faith.
St. Severus the Great of Antioch Cathedral Homily # 9, 37
Metropolitan Consecration of H.G. Mor Alexandrios Thomas
2 January 2025
H.G. Mor Alexandrios Thomas Assistant Metropolitan of Mumbai was consecrated on January 2nd 2012 by His Beatitude the Catholicos Mor Baselios Thomas I.
Metropolitan Consecration of H.G. Mor Julius Elias
H.G. Mor Julius Elias, Asst. Metropolitan of High range region of Angamali Diocese was consecrated on January 2nd 2012 by is Beatitude the Catholicos Mor Baselios Thomas I.
St. John the Evangelist
St. John is the youngest son of Zebedee & Salome. John's older brother is St. James. He was the youngest of the disciples, & unlike the others he did not face martyrdom. John was the only Apostle present by Jesus' side at the crucifixion. Christ entrusted the care of St. Mary to John as he was the one 'Jesus loved the most'. St. Mary lived under John's care until her death.
St. John lived in Jerusalem & later moved to Ephesus. He authored the Gospel & 3 epistles in his name. The book of Revelation was also written by him. He built many churches in Turkey & evangelized many to Christianity. Tradition states that he lived to 120 years of age. A church was built over the site of his tomb. However, this was converted to a mosque.
The Syriac History of John (Apocryphal hagiography of St. John son of Zebedee):
St. Severus of Antioch hymn on St. John the Evangelist:
"All the peoples shall bless him" (Psalms 72:17) The preacher and Apostle, John the Evangelist, who by Christ, even God, his Master, was before named 'son of thunder', and for this reason divinely thundered with loud voice the words, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God", and stirred up and instilled wonder in all the ears of wise and of unwise. Whom also Jesus particularly loved more than the rest of the disciples his fellows, by whom He was proclaimed God, let us beg and beseech together with the God-bearer and Virgin to entreat for us, in order that, building all the service of works of virtue upon this foundation of faith, we may be admitted to find great mercy."
St. Sylvester (Silvester) I, Pope of Rome +335
Lazarus of Tur Abdin
3 January 2025
Contemporary of St. Simon Al-Zaytuni
Metropolitan Consecration of H.G. Mor Timotheos Thomas
H.G. Mor Timotheos Thomas, Metropolitan of Kottayam Diocese & Malankara Holy Episcopal Synod Secretary was consecrated on January 3rd 1991 by late H.B. Catholicos Baselios Paulose II.
Mor Athanasius I Gammolo
Patriarch of Antioch
Prophet Malachi
Malachi was one of the twelve minor prophets. He prophesied about the return of the people from captivity in Babylon to Jerusalem. He rebuked the children of Israel because of their transgression against God and His Law. He also admonished them because of their vile offerings, and prophesied about the acceptance of the Gentiles when he said, "For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, my name shall be great among the Gentiles; In every place incense shall be offered to My name, and a pure offering; For My name shall be great among the nations." (Malachi 1:11) He pointed out to them that they did not give the tithes nor their first fruits, by saying, "'Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now in this,' says the LORD of hosts, 'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,' says the LORD of hosts." (Malachi 3:10-11)
He prophesied about the coming of St. John the baptizer before the Lord, the Savior of the World, by saying, "'Behold, I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple, even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight. Behold, He is coming,' says the LORD of hosts." (Malachi 3:1) He also prophesied about the coming of Elijah before the Lord at His second coming, saying, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse." (Malachi 4:5-6)
St. Simon Al-Zaytuni (+734), bishop of Harran
January 3rd is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Simon Al-Zaytuni +734 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Shem'un d'Zayte the son of Mundhir, was a native of Habsnas in Tur'Abdin,Turkey. He undertook religious studies & eventually became a monk at Dayro d’Mor Gabriel (Qartmin Monastery) around 657AD. In 682AD, he was ordained a priest & was appointed the Abbot of Dayro d’Mor Gabriel.
St. Simon is credited with building many churches & monasteries in Tur’abdin. He carried out different projects, using a valuable treasure he found hidden in a cave. He planted 12,000 olive trees that eventually met the demand for oil of all the churches & monasteries of Tur’abdin. This earned him the nickname Al-Zaytuni (the Man of Olives). As he was on good terms with the Muslim governor of Nisbis, he could restore some churches there. In addition, he built a mosque & school for the Muslim population of the city. He also made arrangements for copying manuscripts. At the time of his death there were 180 copies of manuscripts in the library of the monastery.
In A.D. 700, St. Simon was elected Metropolitan of Harran, a city about twenty miles to the south of Edessa (modern Urfa), & became known as one of the greatest prelates at the time in the Syriac Church. After his consecration, he established a school in his home village, Habsnas. In 726AD he attended the council of Manazgird.
In addition to his asceticism, piety & godliness, he was a man of learning. He wrote many books in defense of the faith of the Syriac Orthodox Church, especially against the Melkites (Chalcedonians). Mor Shem'un d'Zayte entered eternal sleep on 1st June 734AD.
Biography courtesy, "Martyrs, Saints and Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church"
Oh Mor Shem'un d'Zayte! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. May the churches and monasteries of Tur'Abdin once again overflow with the blessed oil from your fields. Amen.'Zayte.htm
Commemoration of the poor and foreigners
4 January 2025
Metropolitan Consecration of H.E. Mor Theethose Yeldho
H.E. Mor Theethose Yeldho, Metropolitan of the Malankara Archdiocese of North America was consecrated on January 4th 2004 by the thrice blessed late Patriarch H.H. Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas of blessed memory.
His Eminence has the distinction of being the only prelate from Malankara to receive 5 ordinations (Aphudykano, Mshamshono, Raban, Qashisho & Hasyo) from the Supreme Head of our Syriac Orthodox Church, the Patriarch of Antioch and all the East.
Metropolitan Consecration of H.G. Mor Osthatheos Ishaq
H.G. Mor Osthatheos Ishaq, Metropolitan of Mylapore Diocese & Patriarchal Vicar of UAE, was consecrated on January 4th 2010 by His Beatitude the Catholicos Baselios Thomas I
Metropolitan Consecration of H.G. Mor Philoxenos Zacharias
H.G. Mor Philoxenos Zacharias, Metropolitan of Idukki Diocese was consecrated on January 4th 2010 by by H.B. Catholicos Baselios Thomas I.
Zosimus the martyr RSoH
Caesaria the Patrician
5 January 2025
Probably the same as Caesaria the Hypatissa who conversed with St. Severus the Great of Antioch in his letters.
Her life is recounted in John of Ephesus' "Lives of the Eastern Saints" volume 3
Life of Mort Caesaria:
Paris 146 and Vat. LXIX
First Sunday after Yeldo (Christmas) (Bothar Yaldo)
The First Sunday after Christmas (had'bshabo qadmoyo d'bothar Yaldo) according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Luke's Gospel recounts the story of 12 year old Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem. As expected of all faithful Jews; Joseph, Mary & Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover festival. When it came time to leave, Jesus stayed behind at the temple. Joseph & Mary, only later noticing Him missing (thinking He was with their friends & relatives) search for 3 days until they find Jesus in the temple with the elders, scholars & others. He was diligently learning from them, asking questions & answering theirs. Those present were astonished by his knowledge & wisdom. When questioned by Mary as to why he stayed behind causing them sorrow, Jesus answers, "Why did you search for me, am I not to carry out my Father's business?" Even from a young age, we can see that Jesus was ready to follow the path the heavenly Father had prepared for Him. Jesus Christ made the better choice to be in the temple of God. The temple was the house of God & it was His duty to be there. Let us all follow the example of our Lord & make it a priority to attend Church service, study the scriptures & learn more about our faith & traditions.
Evening:St. Luke 2:40-52
Morning:St. Mark 6:1-6
Before Holy Qurbono:Genesis 21:8-13; 24:2-7Zechariah 8:3-8Judges 13:24-14:4
Holy Qurbono:I Peter 5:5-11Hebrews 3:1-6St. Luke 2:39-52
For sermons/commentaries based on the Gospel reading:
Tone of the Day: 1 (5 for alternate days of the week)
Syriac Prayers:
Sermon by Dr. Babu Paul sir:
St. Gregory Thaumaturgus
Gregory the Miracle-Worker RSoH
St. Lucianus
6 January 2025
"At Heliopolis, Lucianus"
Theophany (Denho), the Baptism of our Lord
January 6th is the commemoration of the Feast of the Theophany/manifestation of God (Hido d'Denho Alohoyo) & the baptism of our Lord (ma`modeetho d'Moran) according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
The Syriac term Denho means "the rising of the sun" & it denotes theologically the divine manifestation of Jesus at His baptism in the river Jordan. The early Church's understanding of Jesus as the Sun of righteousness might have prompted use of this term for the feast. It was the first time the great mystery of the Triune God, which was hidden for generations, was revealed. The Syriac Church celebrated the nativity of Jesus at Denho in earlier times. St. Ephrem wrote 28 beautiful hymns on the Nativity celebrated at Theophany. But this tradition was lost when the Roman date of December 25 was set & the birth narrative cut away from the manifestation & baptism. In the East, Denho has always been associated in honor of the Baptism of Christ, & its liturgy focused around the blessing of the baptismal water & baptizing the Holy Cross. By the fourth century, the Feast of Theophany ranked with Easter & Pentecost as one of the three principal festivals of the Syriac Church.
Source: Hekamtho Journal, Patriarchal Journal, malfonitho Atiya Turan-Akfidan
Evening:St. Mark 1:1-11
Night:John 4:4-30
Morning:St. Matthew 3:1-17
Before Holy Qurbono:Genesis 24:1-28Numbers: 24:2-7,15-19 20:1-11Joshua 4:15-24, 4:1-7II Samuel 23:13-17Judges 15:10-20II Kings 2:19-25 3:13-19Zechariah 6:9-15Daniel 12:5-9Jeremiah 17:5-13Ezekiel 47:1-9Isaiah 12:1-6
Holy Qurbono:Acts 8:26-40 Titus 2:11-3:7 I Timothy 1:17St. Luke 3:15-22
Blessing of the Water:Exodus 20:1-11II Kings 2:19-25Isaiah 12:1-6Acts 8:35-40Hebrews 10:15-25St. John 4:4-42
For sermons/commentaries:
Explanatory Materials on Theological Concepts and Order of ServicesBrief explanation of service:
Explanation by Fr. Bennett Kuriakose:
Significance of Denho Liturgy:
സുറിയാനി ഓർത്തഡോക് സഭയുടെ ദനഹാ പെരുന്നാളിലെ വെള്ളം വാഴ് വിന്റെ നടപടിക്രമം ഒരു:
Tone of the Day: 2
Liturgical Texts, Audio, Video
Malayalam service book:
English-Manglish service book:
Syriac Phanqitho/Husoyo:
Promiyon Sedro (Malayalam courtesy Hymonutho:- Evening by Fr. George Vayaliparambil:
Beheading of John the Baptist (Phsoq Risheh d-Yuhanon)
7 January 2025
January 7th is the commemoration of the beheading of St. John the Baptist (Phsoq Risheh d-Yuhannon mam'dono) according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Yuhannon Mam'dono, son of Zacharias the priest, known as the forerunner of Christ was martyred by the order of King Herod. When St. John rebuked Herod because of Herodias, the wife of his brother Phillip whom he had taken as a wife, he said to him, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." (Mark:6:18) Herod seized the Saint & cast him into prison; however, he feared John. The prayer on the feast day reads, “Lord, grant us courage to stand behind the truth even if we are put in prison & tempted with worldly treasures.”
An opportune day came when Herod, on his birthday, gave a feast for his nobles, the high officers & the chief men of Galilee. Herodias' daughter herself came in & danced, pleasing Herod. He promised her anything she might ask for, even as much as half of his kingdom. She went to her mother saying, "What shall I ask?" Her mother replied, "Ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter." When Herod heard this, he was exceedingly sorry. But because of his promise & those who were sitting with him, he did not want to refuse her request. He therefore commanded his servants to cut off the head of Mor Yuhannon & they gave it to the damsel who gave it to her mother. (Mark 6:20-28).
Mor Yuhannon's mortal remains are entombed in Sebaste. Syriac tradition states the head of St. John the Baptist is in the Basilica of Saint John the Baptist in Damascus Syria. After the rise of the Umayyad Dynasty, this church was converted into a mosque. However, the shrine housing his remains was kept intact. Today, Umayyad Mosque or Great Mosque of Damascus (Ğām' Banī 'Umayya al-Kabīr) continues to be a pilgrim site for both Christians and also Muslims (to whom he is known as prophet Yaha).
“Through the counseling of Jezabel’s daughter the licentious woman entered Herod’s banquet requesting the innocent one’s head. The fox sent for John’s head and gave it to the wretched woman. She danced while crying the head covered with the blood of his neck. Halleluiah, blessed is the righteous one who on account of the truth was killed. Herod sold John’s head for a licentious dance and polished shoes. Woe be to the killer, glory to the killed. None born of woman are like him. Halleluiah, let his prayer be our wall and shelter.” – Kasaloki, Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist
Evening:St. Luke 3:1-14, 3:19-20
Morning:St. Mark 6:14-29
Before Holy Qurbono:II Kings 12:17-21Jeremiah 37:12-21Isaiah 40:3-8, 41:8-13 66:18-24
Holy Qurbono:Acts 26:1-10Ephesians 3:1-12St. Matthew 14:1-12
For sermons/commentaries:
Tone of the day: 8
Syriac prayers:
Promiyon Sedro (Malayalam courtesy Hymonutho:- Evening by Fr. Robin Baby:
Metropolitan Consecration of H.E. Mor Philoxinus Mattias Nayis
H.E. Mor Philoxenus Mattias Nayis, Patriarchal Vicar in Germany was consecrated on January 7th 2007 by the thrice blessed late Patriarch HH Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas of blessed memory.
St. Claudianus of Heraclea
"January 7th In the city of Heacleia in Thrace, the martyr Claudianus"
St. Lucian the Martyr
"January 7th. At Nicomedia, the presbyter Lucianus"
St. Polyeuktos the Martyr
"January 7th. At Melitene, Polyeuctus"
St. Polyeuctus was the first to be martyred for Christ in the Armenian city of Melitene
St. Mary the Theotokos
8 January 2025
Yoldath Aloho
St. Philoromus
"January 8th. At Nicomedia, Philoromus"
St. Stephen, chief among the deacons and first of the Martyrs (Hido d'Mor Estefanous ris'ho damshamshone u qadmoyo dsohde)
January 8th is the commemoration of the Feast of St. Stephen, chief among the deacons & first of the Martyrs (Hido d'Mor Estefanous ris'ho damshamshone u qadmoyo dsohde) according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Estefanous was a Jew who probably lived in one of the Hellenic provinces of the Roman Empire & was among the minority Jewish community who spoke Greek instead of Hebrew. He would later come to live in Jerusalem & became a Christian. At the time, the Christians were divided into the Hebrew speaking & the Greek speaking minority(Hellenists). The Hellenists felt neglected & marginalized within the Christian community. The Holy Apostles asked the faithful to choose seven men of good repute, full of Holy Spirit & wisdom; to be appointed for the business which the apostles themselves were too busy for. The apostles ordained them the first Deacons of the Church (Acts 6:6) who would strengthen the faith of the community & spread the word of God to the multitude. Among the 7, Stephen was the head. He is described as, "a man full of faith & the Holy Ghost" (Acts 6:5).
Deacon Stephen was an eloquent speaker & performed wondrous miracles (Acts 6:8). This provoked hostility of the elders of some synagogues in Jerusalem. They were not able to resist the wisdom of Stephen. They secretly introduced men to accuse him of blasphemy. Stephen was seized & taken to the Sanhedrin (the Jewish Council). At the council, false witnesses were set up against him. Undismayed, he replied tactfully. As the members of the council listened to Stephen, they became furious. But full of Holy Spirit, he looked up to heaven & saw the glory of God & Jesus on the right hand (Acts 7:54-56). The council & the angered crowd took him outside the city & stoned him. The murderers laid their clothes on the ground to be guarded by Saul, who would later become St. Paul. As Stephen died, he cried, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin” & he prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” (Acts 7:58-60). Thus Mor Estefanous attained the crown of martyrdom. He is commemorated every Sunday in the 4th Thubden/Dypthic of the Holy Qurbono, “the illustrious St. Stephen, chief of the Deacons, & first of the Martyrs.”
Oh Mor Estefanous! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. May your intercession be with all the deacons of our Holy Church. Amen.
In the tradition of the Syriac Orthodox Church in the Middle East and their Suryoye diaspora, St. Stephen’s day is a special day where a full-deacon (Shamosho Evengeloyo) is also allowed to read the Evengalion Qadisho (The Holy Gospel) during the Holy Qurbono or Prayers. Nowadays, lower ranks of the deaconate such as Aphudykano and Quroyo are also given the chance, with the discretion of the celebrant (because not all parishes have a full-deacon and according to old canons only 7 full deacons allowed per diocese). This tradition is currently not practiced in Malankara.
Evening:St. Mark 12:1-12
Morning:St. John 8:34-59
Before Holy Qurbono:Deuteronomy 34:7-12Isaiah 37:8-20Bar Sirach 50:1-12, Chapter 30, 51:4II Chronicles 24:20-25
Holy Qurbono:Acts 7:54-8:2I Corinthians 1:10-17, 16:15-24St. Matthew 23:34-39
Hymn from Sh'himo of Wednesday Evening: Syriac Prayers:
Promiyon Sedro (Malayalam courtesy Hymonutho) - Midnight by Fr. George Vayaliparambil:
St. Aggai of Edessa
9 January 2025
Disciple of Mor Aday
Among the Seventy Two (72) Disciples
St. Lucien
Mor Nuhra (Nohra) the martyr. It may be that this name, Syriac for "light," is a translation of the Greek "Phocas" or the Latin "Lumen."
St. Maximus
The son of Roman governor Valentinian.
Patriarch Theodosius I of Alexandria +566
10 January 2025
Sts. Archilides and his mother Augusta
Paris 146
Daniel of Edessa
11 January 2025
Wonder-worker RSoH
Mor Simeon of Fāfō, Abbot of Qartmin
In hagiography: Simeon of Papo (of Fafo) was a superior of Qartmin. He opened the eyes of a blind man before the shah Khusro.
Simeon is mentioned in the Life of Mor Samuel of Qartmin
St. Anthony the Great of Egypt
"The holy and illustrious in everything, Mar Anthony, prince of the monks"
January 11th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Anthony the Great +356 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Anthonios was born in Upper Egypt to wealthy Christian parents who passed away when he was just 18, so he raised his young sister as well. Once when he was in church he heard the Gospel of our Lord being recited, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have & give to the poor, & you will have treasures in heaven; & come, follow Me" (Matthew 19:21). Suddenly feeling that this commandment was directed towards himself, Anthony sold all his ancestral properties & donated it to the poor & needy. He took his sister & placed her in the care of Christian virgins.
He went to the outskirts of the city to live an ascetical life, worshiping God in solitude. Anthony practiced a very strict form of asceticism; he toiled with his hands to provide for the poor, he fasted daily eating only bread & water at sundown, slept on the floor & dealt with the terrain of the mountainous region. The devil became envious, afflicting him with boredom, laziness & the phantoms of women. Anthony overcame the devil's snares by the power of the Lord, but not before being brutally attacked. His friends found him later, & rushed him to the church to recover. The devil again resumed his war against St. Anthony, only this time the phantoms were in the form of wild beasts, wolves, lions, snakes & scorpions. They appeared as if they were about to attack him or cut him into pieces. But the saint would laugh at them scornfully & say, "If any of you have any authority over me, only one would have been sufficient to fight me." They disappeared as though in smoke, for God gave him victory over the devils.
During the course of his solitary life, he came to the group of faithful only twice; once during the persecutions of Maximos, & the second instance was to help Mor Athanasius against the heresy of Arius. Even as he grew famous, Anthony remained humble, teaching the true virtues of Christian faith. To those who approached him for healing, he said, “Healing is from God. Healing is not of men” adding that it is the will of God to heal according to His time & plan. Anthony knew his time of death, he instructed his fellow ascetics, “Love Jesus, trust in Him, keep away from worldly pleasures, examine ones own life & repent, never boast if you can live without sin, never take pride if God answers your prayers or murmur if your prayers are not answered. Keep away from Arius & his followers. Don’t be afraid if you see the authorities protecting them. Their victory will not last, it is to perish.”
Anthony insisted that his body not be buried with pomp in the cities, but to be entombed in an unmarked grave. He requested that his headdress, bedsheets, & dress made of sheepskin to be handed over to Mor Athanasius, & his staff to be given to Mor Makarios. At the age of 105 Mor Anthonios stretched himself on the ground & gave up his spirit. The hagiography is provided by St. Athanasius of Alexandria.
Oh Mor Anthonios! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
St. Clement of Rome +100
January 11th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Clement of Rome +100 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Clemis was born in Rome & accepted Christianity following the evangelization by St. Peter & St. Paul. He is recorded as the 3rd successor of St. Peter in Rome. During the rule of emperor Trajan, Clement was banished to Pontos & imprisoned. He was forced to work in the marble quarries under harsh conditions. Many around him accepted Christ due to his preaching.
His letter to the Church in Corinth is considered as the ideal model of an encyclical from a spiritual leader. This epistle is mainly intended to settle disputes & rifts among churches. It contains advice to the churches, which have shown disrespect to the traditions & teachings of the Apostles, as to how to regain their original prestige by practising noble qualities like obedience & humility. Additionally, there is a Holy Qurbono Thakso (Anaphora) composed by Mor Clemis. He has also written standardised special prayers to be used during the accession of the Patriarchs.
The emperor enraged at his constant preaching even under imprisonment, ordered him to be drowned in the Black Sea. Thus St. Clement attained the crown of martyrdom. Mor Clemis is commemorated every Sunday in the Thubden d-Qadishe (5th Thubden/Dypthic) of the Syriac Orthodox Church Holy Qurbono.
Oh Mor Clemis! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
St. Paul the Holy Apostle
St. Peter the Holy Apostle
St. Philotheus of Antioch
Life of St. Philotheus of Antioch:
1st Sunday after Theophany (Bothar Denho)
12 January 2025
The 1st Sunday after Theophany (Bothar Denho) according to the liturgical calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
For this Sunday's Gospel, the Church remembers when Christ Begins His Preaching Ministry, "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Mathew 14:17)
We also remember when Jesus Called His First Disciples, "And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them. And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him." (St.Mathew 14:18-22)
The Holy Bible readings from the Church Lectionary are as follows:
Evening:St. Mark 1:14-34
Morning:St. John 2:18-28
Before Holy Qurbana:Genesis 25:19-34, 30:36-31:2II Kings 3:13-20 25:5, 8-15Isaiah 49: 7-13
Holy Qurbana:Acts 2:37-47Ephesians 1:3-14St. Matthew 4:12-22
For sermons, commentaries on the Gospel and other articles visit the link below:
Syriac Prayers:
Promiyon Sedro (Malayalam courtesy Hymonutho):
Commemoration of the Apostles, Prophets, Martyrs, and Doctors of the Orthodox Church
Annually on the Sunday after Theophany, as per the liturgical tradition of Edessa
Mor Barses of Edessa +378
Mar Barses the bishop of Edessa +378.
He was the bishop of Harran but was moved by Emperor Constantius II to the diocese of Edessa. He was persecuted by Valens for upholding the Orthodox faith against Arianism, and was exiled. He died in the month of March, but is commemorated in January.
Mor Theophelose Thomas +1992
Mort Sultana Madokht +318
St. Domatius
son of Roman Governor Valentinian
St. Tatiana of Rome
Mor Ya`qub of Nisibis (+338)
13 January 2025
Known as "Moses of Mesopotamia", Mor Ya`qub was the bishop of Nisibin from 308/9 A.D. till his death in AD 338. Mor Ya`qub has always been a prominent figure in the Syriac-speaking Church tradition. He acquired a reputation for great learning, ability and holiness. Little is known about his life; however, we know that he took a leading role in opposing the Arian heresy at the Council of Nicaea (325). He is honored as a malphono (i.e., theological doctor) by both the Syriac and Armenian Churches. Mor Ya`qub of Nisibin undertook the construction of a church building in Nisibin between 313 and 320. His relics were saved from the a Persian invasion and were send to Constantinople for safety around the year 970.
St. Hilarion
Daughter of Emperor Zeno
St. Zebinnus the Martyr
"at Antioch, Zebinās"
Possibly Patriarch of Antioch Zebinnus?
Sts. Martha and Mary
Sisters of St. Lazarus
Martyrs of Mount Sinai
14 January 2025
Metropolitan Consecration of H.G. Mor Ivanios Mathews
H.G. Mor Ivanios Mathews, the Metropolitan of Kandanad Diocese was consecrated on January 14th 2001 by late HH Mor Ignatius Zakka I.
Monks and Ascetics of the Syriac Church
Specifically those ascetics and monks whom lived in the desert and mountains.
Monasticism in Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch (lectures courtesy Hymonutho):
St. Glycerius the Martyr
"At Nicomedia, the deacon Glykerios", martyr
Intercession of Virgin Mary for the Sowing (Hido D'Yoldath Aloho Hal Zar'he)
15 January 2025
January 15th is the Feast of the Virgin Mary for the Sowing (Hido d'yoldath Aloho hal zar'he) according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
St. Mary is venerated with great devotion in the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch. In addition to the various Feasts of the Virgin associated with the Lord & the Feast of her Nativity, there are three other Feasts that are celebrated by the faithful with much fervor.
Syriac poets called the 'Potters' (Quqoye) attribute setting these feasts of the Virgin Mary to St. John the Evangelist. Those poets are quoted saying: “With dew & drizzle the land of Ephesus was sprinkled when St. John brought to it the messages of the Virgin Mary commanding that the blessed Feasts of the Virgin be celebrated three times a year. The Feast of the Virgin Mary of the sowing is in January. In May is the Feast of the Virgin Mary for blessing the crops & in August is her Feast of the blessing of the vineyards, which are the symbol of the mystery of life”.
These three Feasts are on the fifteenth day of the three aforementioned months:
1) January 15: Sowing (zar'he, ܙܪ̈ܥܐ)
According to tradition, during the flight into Egypt following King Herod's call for the murder of the Christ child, an angel of God was with Sts. Joseph and Mary throughout their journey with the infant Jesus. The family passes through a recently sown field and the power of the angel accelerates the growth of the seeds and the wheat appears full overnight. As the soldiers soon reach, they demand an answer from the farmers as to the whereabouts of the infant Jesus and His parents. The farmers tremble in fear, but one responds saying that the family passed through the field when the seeds were first planted. The soldiers look to see a field full of wheat crop ready for the harvest; believing that a long span of time has passed since the family went through the field, the soldiers abandon their persecution and return to their kingdom.
2) May 15: Crops (s'heble, ܫܒ̈ܠܐ), from which the wheat is processed into bread. This bread is used for the celebration of the Holy Qurbono (the lahmo).
3) August 15: Grapevine (sate, ܣ̈ܬܐ), from which comes the wine. This wine is used for the Divine Eucharistic celebration. This feast was replaced by the Dormition (shunoyo).
Source: 'The Holy Virgin Mary in the Syriac Orthodox Church' and Miss Ranya Kucukkaplan
Evening:St. Matthew 13:1-9
Morning:St. Matthew 23:10-13
Before Holy Qurbono:Genesis 28:1-19Bar Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 3:1-12Isaiah 19:1-8
Holy Qurbono:Acts 18:12-28Hebrews 7:1-17St. Matthew 12:30-37
Tone of the Day: 1
Syriac Prayers:
The tradition of Malankara Nasrani agriculturalists & the harvest feasts:
Metropolitan Consecration of H.E. Mor Severios Kuriakose
H.E. Mor Severios Kuriakose, Archbishop of the Knanaya Syrian Archdiocese was consecrated on January 15th 2004 by the thrice blessed late Patriarch HH Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas of blessed memory.
Metropolitan Consecration of H.G. Mor Anthimos Mathews
HG Mor Anthimos Mathews, Metropolitan of Muvattupuzha region of Angamali diocese & Patriarchal Vicar of UK & Ireland, was consecrated on January 15th 2012 by the thrice blessed late Patriarch HH Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas of blessed memory.
Mor Timothy, Bishop of Edessa
(d. 754/755)
St. Paul monk of Thebes +347
Commemoration of the faithful who contributed to monasteries and churches
16 January 2025
Metropolitan Consecration of H. G. Mor Gregorios Joseph
H.G. Mor Gregorios Joseph the Metropolitan of Kochi Diocese was consecrated metropolitan on January 16th 1994 by late HH Mor Ignatius Zakka I.
Oath at the Leaning Cross Cross/Koonan Kurushu Sathyam (1653 AD); Mor Ahathulla
The anniversary of the Koonan Kurishu Sathyam & the dukhrono of Mor Ahathulla (Mor Ignatius Hidayat Aloho) according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
In 1599AD, the Roman Catholic Archbishop Alexis De Menezes convened the Synod of Diamper (Udayamperoor Synodus), an illegal Synod which forcibly brought the Syriac Orthodox Church of India (Malankara) under the control of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Using the military power of the Portuguese Padroado, Archbishop Menezes systematically tried to wipe out all traces of Syriac tradition & Latinize the Malankara Church by destroying prayer books, historical documents & other important manuscripts. He also changed the name of many parishes to suit Roman Catholic tradition, This imposition of Roman Catholic supremacy would go on for decades under various other Roman prelates.
As the situation became intolerable, the St. Thomas Christians (Syriac Christians of India), under the leadership of the Archdeacon (Arkadiyokan) sent several letters to their mother Church in the Middle East, & also sister churches. One letter reached the Patriarch of Alexandria. Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Mor Ignatius Hidayath Aloho (Mor Ahathulla) was in Alexandria at the time visiting the Syriac faithful of Egypt. On receipt of the letter, Mor Ahathulla made arrangements to visit Malankara for the sake of the languishing spiritual children. The Portuguese military had appointed sentries in all possible places where the bishops from the Middle East could arrive. Mor Ahathulla secretly arrived in Surat, then later made his way to Mylapore where he was captured by the Portuguese & imprisoned. Deacons Chengayil Itty from Chengannur & Kizhakkedath Kurian from Kuravilangadu who were on a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Thomas secretly met Mor Ahathulla. Knowing that there was no escape from imprisonment & possible death, Mor Ahathulla had to take drastic measures to safeguard the Syriac Orthodox Church in Malankara. He gave the deacons an encyclical (Kalpana) authorizing the consecration of Archdeacon Thoma on the stipulation that the Archdeacon would be limited to administrative authority, but ecclesiastical duties of ordination & Consecration of Holy Chrism was prohibited until Apostolic Consecration by another Syriac Orthodox prelate. Mor Ahathulla was soon brought to Cochin port en route to Goa (where the cruel Inquisition was actively taking place). At Cochin port, thousands of Malankara Jacobite faithful arrived clamoring for their prelate to be freed. They went to the Cochin Raja, who initially agreed to support his Syriac subjects, but later recanted under pressure of the Portuguese colonial powers; he would later die soon after.
News spread that Mor Ahathulla was drowned in the sea after having a millstone tied to his neck & thrown overboard. Thus Mor Ahathulla attained the crown of martyrdom. (Latin historians record that the Portuguese fearing the sudden gathering of the Syriac Christians, dispatched Mor Ahathulla to Goa where he was condemned as a heretic & burnt alive at the stake in the Inquisition) As the news of this cruelty spread, the Syriac Christians were ready to wage war with their oppressors. But realizing the superiority of the Portuguese military power, Arkadiyokan Thoma & Itty Thommen Kathanar prevented the huge gathering assembled there from a direct clash which would have resulted in great bloodshed.
In the mean time, more faithful rushed to the spot from various parishes of Malankara. On 3rd Makaram of 1653AD, the faithful under the advice of Fr. Itty Thommen tied a huge rope around the ancient stone cross in the courtyard yard of Mattancherry Church & everyone at the large gathering, numbering about 25000 held on to it, & pledged that they, & their future generations, will never accept the Roman Catholic faith that the Portuguese tried to forcibly introduce & also they vowed to forever remain steadfastly loyal to the Holy Apostolic See of Antioch and all the East, maintaining the ancient rites & traditions of their forefathers. The weight of the believers pulling on the rope caused the stone cross to bend. Hence this historic event is known as the Koonan Kurishu Sathyam (Oath at the Leaning Cross). It is the first recorded mass revolt against the Western colonialism & forced Roman Catholic supremacy in history!
The Koonan Kurishu Sathyam cemented the reinvigorated faith of the Syriac Christians of Malankara & their unflinching loyalty to the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. This monumentally historic event would pave way for the reestablishment of the Syriac Orthodox hierarchy in Malankara as had been present since the dawn of Christianity in India.
Sources: 'Martyrs, Saints and Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church', 'The Indian Church of St. Thomas', Syriac Christianity
May the intercession of Mor Ahathulla, & the sacrifices of our forefathers to steadfastly remain loyal to the Holy Apostolic See of Antioch strengthen the Church in Malankara during troubling times.
Antiochia Malankara bendham Neenaal Vazhatte! (May the fraternity between Antioch and Malankara forever prosper)
Biography or Mor Ahathulla in Malayalam
St. Evagrius Ponticus +399
Sts. Peter and Paul
When they were bound in chains
Egyptian Fathers
17 January 2025
Abba Pachomius, Arsenius, Agathon, Longinus
Mor Philoxinos Samuel +1985
January 17th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Anthony the Great +356 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
St. Severus the Great of Antioch Cathedral Homily # 12, 86
Emperor Theodosius I
18 January 2025
Theodosius the Great (the younger)
Fathers of the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople
Fathers of the Third Ecumenical Council in Ephesus
January 18th is the commemoration of the Fathers of the Third Holy Ecumenical Council of Ephesus 431, according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
By their prayers may we continue to uphold the True Orthodox Faith.
The words of St. Cyril of Alexandria in his letter to Succensus (Bishop of Diocaesarea in Isauria), "Therefore, whenever we have these thoughts in no way do we harm the joining into a unity by saying He was of two natures, After the union has occurred, however, we do not divide the natures from one another, nor do we sever the one and indivisible into two sons, but we say that there is One Son, and as the holy Fathers have stated: One Nature of The Word of God Incarnate." (mia physis tou Theou Logou sesarkomene)
This faith is affirmed, and the fate of Nestorius the heretic whom opposed St. Cyril is mentioned in the Sh'himo:
"Cursed be he who does not assert that Mary brought forth God; and faithless is he who does not confess that He was God and the son of God; the Father begot Him without beginning, and at the end of time He came forth from Mary; from the Father and from Mary, He is but one offspring Whom we worship; cursed be he who questions it." - Qolo II of Wednesday's Saphro
"On that rock at the house of Simon, the head of the Apostles, I am built and I am not afraid, the Church answered and said, the waves and tempests beat against me but they do not shake me; the accursed Nestorius fought against me and received a fall." - Qolo of Saturday's Saphro
Mor Dionysius Mikhayel +1956
January 18th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of Mor Dionysius Mikhayel +1956 the former Syriac Orthodox (Malankara Jacobite) Metropolitan of Kottayam and Southern dioceses.
Mikhayel was born in Alummootil family to Evangelist John & Achamma, in Kayankulam; where he did his primary education, followed by higher studies at MD Seminary High School Kottayam. He was ordained Quroyo by Mor Dionysius V (Pulikkottil Joseph II), Aphudykano by St. Gregorios Geevarghese Chathuruthil of Parumala, & shamshono by Mor Dionysius V at Kayankulam Qadisha Church. On August 30th 1908, he was ordained Qashisho at Parumala seminary, the chief celebrant was Mor Dionysius Geevarghese Vattasseril, along with Mor Dionysius V, St. Osthatheos Sleebo Abakar the delegate of the Apostolic See of Antioch, & St. Coorilos Paulose Kochuparambil.
Fr. Mikhayel rendered his services at M.D. Seminary. He was also an instrumental part of the efforts undertaken by Syriac Youth Association & Malankara Mission Society. When the unfortunate schism erupted in the Malankara Church, he left MD Seminary & returned to Kayankulam where he was active in public service; working as municipal councilor & representing Kayamkulam in Sree Moolam Praja Sabha.
Fr. Mikhayel was selected as the candidate of Metropolitan Consecration for the dioceses of Kollam, Niranam, Thumpamon. He along with Fr. Ottathaikkal Thomas who was selected for the Knanaya diocese, accompanied Mor Yulios Elias Qoro (Delegate of the Apostolic See of Antioch) to Jerusalem. The two priests were ordained Rabans on October 20th 1926. Then on October 27th 1926, they were consecrated Metropolitan with the titles Dionysius & Dioscorus by St. Ignatius Elias III Patriarch in the presence of Mor Yulios Elias, Mor Geevarghese Gabriel of Jerusalem & several clergy. The two newly ordained bishops remained in Jerusalem for 50 days, visiting sites in the Holy Land. They returned to Kerala & would visit St. Osthatheos Sleebo at Vadakara St. John's Church the next day. When St. Ignatius Elias III Patriarch visited Malankara, Mor Dionysius Mikhayel was his personal assistant & interpreter, remaining so until the demise of the Patriarch in 1932.
Mor Dionysius provided strong leadership, inspiring the believers to remain steadfastly loyal to the Holy Throne of Antioch. His encouraging speeches lit up the hearts of the faithful who were distraught at the hands of the schismatics. Mor Dionysius would visit churches across his dioceses, by ox-cart & even travelling by foot to meet the needs of his children. He was unrelenting in making sure that the faithful remained courageous against the adversaries. Mor Dioscorus Thomas would shift allegiances & move to the Roman Catholic fold, which saddened Mor Dionysius.
Mor Dionysius Mikhayel led a very simple life, giving away much of his possessions to the poor & needy. His only possession were a torn mattress, ragged clothes; his usual meal was water with rice gruel & vegetables. He wanted to gain nothing by showing loyalty to the throne of the Holy See of Antioch, but only unflinching faith. He addressed everyone by name which endeared him to the parishioners. He never hesitated to admonish those who behaved defiantly in the altar. He kept Mor Sharbil Dayro Thrikkothamangalam as his administrative headquarters. On 15th December 1955 during the feast of his teacher St. Coorilos Paulose at St. Mary's JSC Panampady, he spoke rousingly to strengthen the faithful. After his meal he told those around him that he will die soon, asking that his faithful be near him. The service of Qandilo was conducted the next day. His condition gradually deteriorated & on January 18th 1956, Mor Dionysius Mikhayel reposed in the Lord. His last rites were led by Mor Philoxinos Paulose (later the late Catholicose HB Mor Baselius Paulose II) & Mor Yulios Elias Qoro. He was entombed in St. Mary's JSC Panampady Kottayam.
Mor Dionysius Mikhayel was affectionately known as the Roaring Lion of Malankara, & was a pillar of strength for the faithful; for he courageously defended the Malankara Church from all adversaries & inspired the children to remain steadfastly loyal to the Holy Apostolic See of Antioch. May his legacy be forever eternal.
Oh Mor Dionysius Mikhayel! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
St. Athanasius of Alexandria
January 18th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Athanasius of Alexandria (St. Athanasius the Great) according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Athanasius was born in AD295 to wealthy Christian parents. He studied Theology & Greek mythology. He lived some years with St. Antony in the deserts spending time in prayers & meditation. He has also written the biography of the saint.
He was ordained a deacon in AD 319 by Patriarch Alexander & he served him as his secretary. At the time Arius, an old priest in Alexandria, taught that Jesus was not fully divine but he was only similar to God & was created at the beginning of creation. In AD325 the Ecumenical Council held in Nicaea put Arius on trial & denounced him. The council confirmed the error of his teaching. The primary opponent was deacon Athanasius who worked as the secretary of Patriarch Alexander in this Council.
Upon the demise of Patriarch Alexander in AD328, Athanasius who was only 33 at that time ascended the throne. There were many allegations against him & he was banished five times. There were even attempts on his life. The Arius faction severed the arm of a dead man to be presented as a proof that it was the right arm of Episcopo Arsanios who was murdered by Athanasius. Their allegations were proved baseless when Arsanius himself was presented before them.
A Synod at Tyre excommunicated him. Two years later he returned to the diocese. Again in AD339, a synod with the connivance of Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia, banished him. He was given sanctuary by Mor Yulios of Rome. The Serdica synod in AD343 re-established him in his ecclesiastical rights & declared him the lawful Patriarch of Alexandria.
His episcopate lasted for forty five years till AD 373. Of these he had spent seventeen years in hiding, in deserts & in foreign countries. In spite of all the trials he succeeded in transferring true faith to the next generation.
Mor Athanasius is commemorated every Sunday in the Thubden d-Qadishe (5th Thubden/Dypthic) of the Syriac Orthodox Church Holy Qurbono.
Biography adapted from 'Martyrs, Saints & Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church'
Oh Mor Athanasius! Plead for the Holy Church, that her children and hierarchy remain steadfast in the true faith always! Amen.
St. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria +444
January 18th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Cyril Patriarch of Alexandria +444 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Coorilos was born in 376 AD in Alexandria. He was consecrated bishop by his uncle. On 17 October, AD 412 he became the Patriarch of Alexandria.
Nestorius who ascended as the Patriarch of Constantinople in AD 421 started spreading heresies about Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. According to him Mary was mother only to the humanness of Christ, who earned His divinity only after His birth. Nestorius also indoctrinated that it was wrong to address Mary as the mother of God; instead she should be called only as the mother of Christ.
St. Cyril presided over the Council of Ephesus convened by Emperor Theodosyus II. The Council which commenced on 22 June, 431 AD was attended by one hundred and fifty-nine bishops. The Council of Ephesus analysed the heresies of Nestorius and declared that “in Jesus Christ the God head and man head have converged into one unity" and that Mary was the mother of God (Theotokos/Yoldath Aloho) The profound interpretations of St. Cyril earned him the title, “the Doctor of Incarnation” He also countered the opinions of Nestorius in a book titled, “The true faith about the Incarnation of Christ.”
St. Cyril is described in the fifth diptych (thubden) of the Holy Qurbono, as one who proved clearly the incarnation of Jesus Christ and as the tower of honesty. The glorious saint is also described as one who revealed the humanhood of the Word. He had learned theology from many eminent scholars but he encouraged instruction from none other than the very ancient teachers. It was a strong edict practiced by him. Mor Coorilos also wrote commentaries on the Gospels and other books of the Holy Bible.
The protector of True faith, St. Cyril, had to face much harassment from the disciples of Nestorius as he opposed their dissenting views. St. Cyril is presented as a quarrel monger by some historians but his stand was always clear, “peace is desirable but it should not be at the cost of faith”.
Biography courtesy, 'Martyrs, Saints and Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church'
Oh Mor Coorilos! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
St. Evodius, the Patriarch of Antioch +68
Mor Evodius was a pagan who converted to Christianity due to the apostolic work of Saint Peter. According to the Book of Acts, the first communities to receive evangelism werer the Jews and pagans of Antioch.
St. Evodius the successor of St. Peter, the Apostle, was one of the seventy disciples sent out by our Lord to preach. John Chrysostom counts Evodius contemporary with the Apostles and is also known as the first bishop of Antioch ordained by St. Peter. After the martyrdom of St. Peter at Rome in AD 67, Evodius became the Patriarch of the Holy See of Antioch. St. Evodius wrote several compositions. In one of them he writes that the Most Holy Virgin Mary gave birth to the Savior of the world.
St. Evodius was the bishop of Antioch until AD 68, and he was martyred under Emperor Nero
Biography Courtesy: "Martyrs, Saints, and Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church"
2nd Sunday after Theophany
19 January 2025
The 2nd Sunday after Theophany (had'bshabo trayono d'bothar denho) according to the liturgical calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
In St. John's Gospel, Jesus calls Philip & Nathaniel (Bartholomew) to be His disciples. However, there is a sharp contrast in how these two responded to the call of Christ. The moment Jesus says, "Follow me" Philip agrees & goes to find Nathaniel to tell him that he has found whom the prophets spoke about. Nathaniel is initially reluctant, doubting if anything good can come from Nazareth. Later when Jesus meets Nathaniel personally, He says He knew Nathaniel even before Philip spoke to him. Nathaniel then makes his confession of faith, "Rabbi you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel". While we are in doubt of our calling, our Lord knows our hearts, for so the prophet Jeremiah writes, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, & not of evil, to give you an expected end."
Evening:St. John 1:26-34
Morning:St. John 1:35-42
Before Holy Qurbono:Leviticus 22:26-33Proverbs 8:22-9:9Micah 4:15-5:8Isaiah 55:1-8
Holy Qurbono:I Peter 3:7-15Hebrews 1:1-2:4St. John 1:43-51
For sermons/commentaries based on the Gospel:
Tone of the Day: 2 (6 for alternate days of the week)
Sleeba Namaskaram in Tone 2:
Syriac Prayers:
Promiyon Sedro (Malayalam courtesy Hymonutho):
Abo Macarios of Egypt
Martyrs of Nicaea
"in the city of Nicaea, from the ancient martyrs, Cresconius, and Zenon, and Melanippos"
Mor Shem`un of Qartmin (+433)
January 19th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Simon of Qartmin +433 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Shem'un Qartminoyo was one of the Qartmin Fathers along with his teacher Mor Shmuel +409. They built Qartmin Dayro in Tur Abdin Turkey. Currently known as St. Gabriel Monastery (Dayro d-Mor Gabriel/Deyrulmur); it is the oldest functioning Christian monastery in the world. According to tradition Mor Shem'un had a dream in which an angel of the Lord commanded him to build a House of Prayer in a location marked with three large stone blocks. When Simon awoke, he took his teacher Mor Shmuel to the place & found the stone the angel had placed. At this spot the Qartmin Monastery was built.
Simon was born in Qartmin village. His father was a leader of the village. When he was 4 years old, he was healed through the prayers of Mor Shmuel. Later, his father took him back to the saint & he was ordained a monk & joined Samuel.
One night, the angel of the Lord appeared to Simon in the form of his teacher Mor Shmuel & showed him the plan of the future monastery which was laid down on the foundations of an existing pagan temple. The angel & Simon together placed stones across the perimeter of what was to become them monastery. Simon did not realize it was actually an angel & not his teacher. The next day Mor Shmuel was astonished when he was told of what transpired, but he understood it was an angel. Together the two Qartmin fathers would build the monastery starting in 396/397AD. In time, the number of monks who joined their ranks increased.
After the death of the aged Mor Shmuel, Simon took over the administration of the monastery. Mor Shem'un did not sleep on the earth. He rested on his knees. He loved night vigils & in order to defeat sleep he hung himself upright by ropes. He would then continue in his meditation giving glory & praise to his Lord. Mor Shem'un was strong in battle with Satan. He was awake in his service. He served more than his brother monks. Our Lord gave him power, strength & he performed many wonders & miracles. Mor Shem'un would repose in the Lord on January 19th 433AD. He was entombed in the Beth Qadishe of Dayro d-Mor Gabriel.
Oh Mor Shem'un Qartminoyo! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
Life of Mor Shem'un:
Mor Gabriel Monastery founded by the Qartmin Fathers
Abo Isidore of Pelusium
20 January 2025
Martyrs of Nicomedia
"In the city of Nicomedia, Leontios; and on the same day – at Nicomedia, Kyriakos, and Cendeus, and Vitus, and Florus, and Felix"
St. Abrohom of Qidon +366
January 20th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Abraham of Qidon +366 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Abrohom Kidunoyo was born to a wealthy family near Edessa. His family wanted him to get married, however he ran away to become a monk. He then built a hermitage with a small opening only for food, remaining there to pray continuously. When his parents passed, he had all the inherited wealth distributed to the poor & needy; keeping only a cloak, a goat-skin garment, a bowl & a mat for himself.
Near to the site of his cell, there was a town called Beth Qidon whose citizens were pagan idolaters. Many had tried to evangelize them, but it was always met with fierce opposition. The bishop of Edessa was disturbed by this, saddened that the word of God could not reach the hearts of these people. He asked Abraham to leave his cell (against his will), ordained him as a priest & sent him to preach the Gospel to the citizens of Qidon. Mor Abrohom built a church in the town, trying his hardest to spread the Gospel, but they would not listen. Each night he would return to his cell to pray, going back to the city every morning. The townsfolk would insult him, abuse him, even attacking him with sticks & stones. Once, St. Abraham was left for dead, but upon recovering he would return to the people trying his level best to soften their hearts & open their ears to the message of the Gospel. This went on with much difficulty for 3 years.
By the grace of God, there was a break through. Abraham's patience, steadfast faith & willingness to suffer for the Gospel convinced the citizens of Qidon of his holiness. They listened to & accepted the Gospel, eventually being baptized by him. He continued teaching them the ideals of Christian faith, justice & charity for another year till he retired back to his hermitage. As the whole town of Qidon was converted through his untiring efforts, he was given the name St. Abraham of Qidon.
Mor Abrohom Kidunoyo led a life of penance for fifty years & lived to the age of 70. At the news of his last illness, the whole countryside flocked to receive his benediction & after his death each one sought to procure a fragment of his clothing.
Oh Mor Abrohom Kidunoyo! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
St. Mary of Qidon
Mort Mariam was the niece of Mor Abraham of Qidun and she lived as an ascetic with her uncle in a cave-cell outside the city. In the History of Abraham of Qidun we read about how Mariam left the ascetic life for the life of a harlot but returned after two years through her uncle's intervention and his acts of sacrifice. The life story of Mariam is one of the most famous testimonies of repentance among Syriac saints. In some Syriac Orthodox liturgical manuscripts, a "soogitho" or dialogue poem of St. Mary can be found for the Second Sunday of Great Lent and the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent in the midnight (lilyo) office.
Summary: Late in life Mor Abraham took charge of the daughter of his recently deceased brother, a girl of 7 years by the name of Mary. Abraham chooses to raise her as a hermit and teach her the essentials of a hermit’s life. She is allotted a cave-cell of her own, in front of Abraham’s cell, separated from his cell by a door. Mary followed Abraham’s example in all respects, but by the time she came of age, her outward beauty attracted the attention of a young man pretending to be a hermit. This imposter seduces Mary to commit sin. After having committed her sin, she leaves her cell out of shame, unbeknownst to her uncle.
In a long monologue (see the Sogitho of Mary) she bewails her fate and argues that, now that she failed so utterly, she could never expect to find forgiveness and grace anymore, neither from her uncle nor from God. Panic and affliction started to rule her and her heart weakened, and she left her cell. In utter despair, Mary enters a brothel to become a prostitute. Only two days after Mary left him, Abraham came to realize through a dream that his niece is no longer with him. In a nightmare he saw a serpent devouring a dove, and on awakening, Abraham acts on this premonition and calls out to Mary, only to find out that she is no longer in her cell. He then asks the help of an acquaintance to go and find out her whereabouts.
After two years her secret place of dwelling is discovered. Abraham in the guise of a soldier, leaves his cell to go and bring Mary back. He enters the brothel and behaves as a regular brothel customer, drinking wine and eating meat and asking for the most beautiful girl on offer, so as not to betray his identity to his niece, who he is afraid might try to flee from him out of shame. It is this act of breaking his strict rules of abstinence, which marks the ultimate sacrifice. In exchange for the spiritual salvation of a lost soul, he gives away in the spur of the moment an entire life time of strictest austerity and self-chastisement. In the seclusion of a private chamber within the brothel, Abraham makes his identity known to his niece, who bursts into tears believing that there still is hope for her to be saved from a life of sin. Mor Abraham prays with her and reminds her that "God accepts every repentant even if he has many great sins." Finally, she returns with her uncle to the hermitage, where Abraham is wise enough to allot the inner cell to her this time, where he himself used to live. Both lead henceforward a life in strictest austerity.
Life of St. Mary of Qidun and her Sugitho:
St. Agnes of Rome +304
21 January 2025
Virgin martyr RSoH
St. Demiana & the 40 Virgin Martyrs
January 21st is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Demiana and the 40 virgin martyrs of Egypt.
Mort Demiana is the founder of monasticism for Coptic Orthodox nuns & the highest ranking female martyr of the Coptic Church. Toward the end of the 3rd century, there lived a Christian man named Marcos. He was the ruler of the Borolos & Zahfaran districts in Egypt. Marcos had only one daughter called Demiana. Her beauty & good character were legendary. Her father loved her dearly, & he did his best to raise her up in a true Christian way. Demiana loved to pray & read the holy books in the seclusion of her room. She often cried, while praying, as she felt the love of her Savior fill her little heart. Demiana, desiring to live a life of asceticism, requested her father to build a monastery for her. Her father granted her wish & built her a large palace in the wilderness. Demiana changed the palace into the first Coptic Orthodox coenobitic monastery for nuns, living the monastic, ascetic life with her forty unmarried friends. Demiana was the abbess; the nuns spent their time fasting, praying, reading the holy books, & providing for themselves & the poor by means of their handiwork.
At that time Diocletian, the Emperor, began to torture & kill the Christians who refused to worship his idols. When Marcos was invited to kneel before the statues & offer incense, he refused. But Diocletian convinced him by promising to give him a higher position in the Roman Empire. When Demiana heard that her father had knelt before the idols, she left the palace & went immediately to him. She said, "How could you deny your Savior who shed His blood to save you, & kneel down to stone idols dwelled by satan. What you did, my father, is cowardly & shameful." When Marcos heard his daughter's words he came back to his senses. He said, "Woe to me, how could I fall in the Devil's trap & worship those idle statues." Macros was beheaded on order of Diocletian.
On the last day before her martyrdom, our Lord Jesus Himself came to her & told her, "Have courage, my chosen one. I have prepared for you the crown of your wedding in heaven. Your name will be remembered forever as it will be the cause for many miracles, & in this place a great church will be built to honor your blessed name." Finally, the commander ordered the soldiers to behead Demiana by the sword, along with the forty virgins. Thus Mort Demiana attained the crown of martyrdom.
Few years later, when King Constantine came to power, he sent his mother Queen Helena to Demiana's palace. Helena buried all the bodies that she found in great honor. She put Demiana's body on a bed made of ivory & decorated it with silk linen, & in the same place she built a church.
Biography adapted from the Coptic Synaxarium
Oh Mort Demiana! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
22 January 2025
"at Nicomedia, Polyeuktos, and Eupsychios, and Klemes, and Primus, and Lollius, and Dabsos"
St. Anastasia of Sirmium +304
St. Timothy +97AD
January 21st is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Timothy +97AD according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Timotheos was native of Lystra in Lycaonia. While his father was a gentile, his mother was of Jewish ancestry, who along with his maternal grandmother embraced Christianity, their faith being commended by St. Paul (2 Timothy 1:5). The Christian citizens praised the merits of Timothy when Paul visited them. The life of St. Timothy is intimately linked to the mission of St. Paul. St. Paul had Timothy circumcised to prepare him for the ministry among Jews. He then took Timothy with him, in order to aid him in propagating the doctrine of our Lord. Timothy assisted Paul through the whole course of his preaching. St. Paul calls him not only his dearly beloved son, but also his brother, the companion of his labors, & a man of God. Timothy accompanied St. Paul from Lystra & sailed to Macedonia, preaching at Philippi, Thessalonica & Berea. Paul had to leave Berea, but Timothy remained there along with Silas to administer the new converts.
Timothy was sent by St. Paul to Thessalonica, where persecution had left the believers distraught. He would then go to Corinth to report what transpired & the condition of the faithful there; prompting Paul to write his 1st epistle to the Thessalonians. Timothy accompanied Paul on his visits to Jerusalem followed by Ephesus where they spent 2 years. Paul then delegated Timotheos to Macedonia to prepare the faithful for his return to Greece. Afterwards, Timothy was directed to Corinth to propagate the true faith & reinvigorate the believers. Later in his ministry, Timothy would be imprisoned & suffered great persecution for his faith.
Timothy was ordained bishop by St. Paul at Ephesus. St. Timothy is always described as the first bishop of Ephesus in tradition & by Church historians. Paul left Timothy at Ephesus to govern that Church, to oppose false teachers & to ordain priests, deacons, even bishops. When Paul was imprisoned in Rome & awaiting his execution, he wrote to Timothy desiring to see his friend & beloved brother in Christ one final time.
Timothy spoke out against the idolatrous practices of the Katagogia festival in honour of pagan deity Diana. While preaching the Gospel, the heathens beat him with clubs, dragged him through the streets & finally stoned him to death. Thus Mor Timotheos attained the crown of martyrdom. His body was taken by the faithful & entombed in a nearby mountain top. In the 4th century his holy relics were transferred to the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople.
Oh Mor Timotheos sahdo! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
St. Clement of Ancyra +312
23 January 2025
St. Theodotus of Amid +698
In hagiography: Theodota (Theodute) was the Bishop of Amida. He was born in Ingilene and was a monk at Qenneshrin. He served the poor. He taught chant to the monks at Qartmin. He was known to travel with a bag full of relics to use in healing others.
Mor Julius Yac'ub +1992
24 January 2025
January 24th is the anniversary of the demise of HG Mor Julius Yac'ub +1992 the former Metropolitan of the Simhasana-Patriarchal Churches & Institutions in India.
Yac'ub (Kunjappan) was born on 27th December 1912 at Pampady, Kottayam. He was the son of Madappatt Chacko & Annamma. Sadly, his parents died when he was a young child, so he was raised by his elder brother. After completing his primary education, he went to high school but had to discontinue studies due to ill health. He joined Dayro d-Mor Sharbil Thrikkothamangalam for theological studies under the tutelage of Raban Geevarghese Kochuparambil & Raban Kuriakose Vanchithattil. At the time, Mor Dionysius Mikhayel kept the Dayro as his headquarters. It is also here that late HG Mor Timotheos Yac'ub studied.
Mor Dionysius Mikhayel would ordain Yac'ub as deacon at St. Mary's Jacobite Syrian Cathedral Manarcad on 24th May 1942. Deacon Yac'ub would then be ordained Qashisho on August 19th 1945 at St. Thomas Church Chengalam Kottayam by Mor Dionysius Mikhayel. After ordination he entered Dayro d-Mor Ignatius Manjinikkara where he would later be elevated to the rank of Raban by Mor Yulios Elias Qoro the delegate of the Apostolic See of Antioch, on 19th June 1955. Raban Yac'ub taught Syriac & liturgy during his tenure at Manjinikkara Dayro & at Malekurishu Dayro. He also served as personal secretary & interpreter for Mor Yulios Elias. He was the President of the Evangelical Association of the East during 1963-64.
On June 12th 1975, Raban MC Yac'ub was consecrated bishop by the thrice blessed late Patriarch HH Moran Mor Ignatius Yac'ub III of blessed memory at St. George Cathedral Damascus. He was given the title Julius & appointed as the Metropolitan of Simhasana churches & institutions which were under the direct authority of the Patriarch. On the same day, late HG Mor Osthatheos Thomas bishop of Kochi Diocese was consecrated.
Mor Julius translated a few books from Syriac including The Book of the Dove (a guide to Orthodox ascetism) written by Mor Gregorios Yuhannon bar'Ebroyo, The Biography of Mor Yuhanon M’rahmono, The history of Mor Augin, the text of the sacrament of Holy matrimony which is in use in Syria, a few prayers & promeon-sedro. Mor Julius was very particular about prayer & fasting. His life, diet & dress were all very simple. Mor Julius used to correct the mistakes of the clergy of all ranks; for his own training was by Mor Yulios Elias & Mor Dionysius Mikhayel who never compromised with the respect for the traditions & practices of the Holy Church.
Mor Julius Yac'ub was getting ready for his departure to the heavenly abode & he prepared a place of rest for himself well in advance. He converted his ancestral property into a trust & a church was constructed on that land. On 21st January 1992 he was admitted to the hospital & on 24th January 1992 Mor Julius Yac'ub breathed his last. His mortal remains were interred at Dayro d-Mor Ignatius Manjinikkara.
St. Babylas 13th Patriarch of Antioch +253
"at Nicomedia, Babylas, bishop of Antioch, and the three boys, martyrs"
Saint Babylas (+253). A patriarch of Antioch (237 - 251), During the Decian persecution (249-251) he made an unwavering confession of faith and was thrown into prison where he died from his sufferings. He was, therefore, venerated as a martyr, (according to Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, VI, 39). He asked to be buried with his chains.,%20Patriarch%20of%20Antioch.htm
St. John Chrysostom Homily on St. Babylas:
St. Severus of Antioch veneration of St. Babylas
St. Severus the Great of Antioch Cathedral Homily # 11
St. John bar Malke
Also known as John of Rome, was the son of Eutropius and Theodora, believing parents. His parents constructed a shrine for their son.
St. Xenia of Rome
25 January 2025
"at Nicomedia, Titus, and Parilos, and Saturus, and Mamas"
St. Aho the ascetic +524
January 25th the Church commemorates St. Aho the ascetic.
Mor Aho was born around 419 A.D. in the city of Rish'aino (Ras ul-'ayn now), which is to the south & east of Nisibis in present day Syria near Hassekeh, his father's name was 'Ubadyo, Aho was one of his three children. At the age of twelve he became the disciple of a local monk, & Lord bestowed wisdom on the child & he was enlightened & became wiser than all the other children in the instruction. He was trained in the liturgy of the Syriac Orthodox Church, and founded a monastery after escaping from his conscription into the Persian army in 573
Mor Aho Monastery/Dayro Daslibo(Monastary of the Cross) was founded in the 6th century by Mor Aho. The reason why the monastery is also called the monastery of the Holy Cross is because the monastery is one of many sites which claim to have a fragment of the Holy Cross. Legend states that at some point after the founding of the monastery, Mor Aho found a fragment of the holy cross in either Jerusalem or Constantinople. He managed to steal the relic by hiding it inside of a wound in his leg. After placing the relic in his leg, the wound miraculously healed, allowing him to escape with the fragment unnoticed. The monastery’s main church was built over the supposed site of the relic, which is believed to have been buried in an undisclosed location in that area. Therefore, the relic cant be seen and no one knows exactly where it is. Mor Aho is also responsible for the conversion of four villages in the area of Malayta, & for the foundation of another monastery in Tur Abdin. He died at an old age, & his tomb is located beneath the monastery.
For full biography visit:
Life of St. Aho:
St. Athanasius Paulose +1953
January 25th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Athanasius Paulose +1953 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church. He is affectionately known as Valiyathirumeni.
Paulose was born to Mathai Thekkekkara & Annamma. At the age of 7, as an Altar boy he read the 5th Thubden in the presence of late Patriarch Mor Ignatius Peter IV at Ankamaly Church. He studied theology under Mor Coorilos Geevarghese Ambatt who would ordain him as Quroyo on 21st April 1879. He would complete higher studies & become a school teacher.
St. Gregorios Geevarghese Chathuruthil of Parumala (assisted by Mor Dionysius V & Mor Athanasius Paulose Kadavil I) ordained deacon Paulose as Qashisho on 25th November 1898. He would be elevated to the rank of Raban 3 days later. Kochupaulose Raban would be consecrated bishop with the title Athanasius by late Patriarch Mor Ignatius Abde d-Aloho II Sattuf on 9th June 1910 at Mor Sabor-Mor Aphroth Church Akaparambu. A year later, Mor Athanasius Paulose participated in the consecration of the Holy Chrism at Mulunthuruthy Church.
Following the autocratic style of functioning & his disobedience of Church laws, Mor Dionysius Geevarghese Vattasseril the Malankara Metropolitan was excommunicated by Patriarch Abdullah. (the excommunication would be later lifted by St. Ignatius Elias III Patriarch). St. Coorilos Paulose Kochuparambil who was Malankara Metropolitan for 6 years passed away in 1917. The Malankara Association held at Thrikunnath Seminary elected Mor Athanasius Paulose as the next Malankara Metropolitan. In 1919 he formed the Malankara Sunday School Association & in 1922 he formed the Mar Gregorios Syrian Vidhyarthi Sangam' (Mar Gregorios Syrian Students Association - M.G.S.S.A). This was the first ever students organization that adopted the name of St. Gregorios of Parumala. The other major spiritual organizations founded by Valiyathirumeni were the ‘Brotherhood of St. Antonios’ & the ‘St. Mary’s Sisterhood’. He nurtured both the organizations with the aim of building a solid foundation for the monastic movement in Malankara. He also encouraged much on the development of a centre for theological studies at Thrikunnath Seminary.
Mor Athanasius led the last rites of St. Osthatheos Sleebo Abakar the delegate of the Apostolic See of Antioch following his demise in 1930. When Patriarch St. Ignatius Elias III came to Malankara, Mor Athanasius accompanied the Patriarch throughout his stay. The Patriarch visited India to strive for peace in the Malankara Syrian Church. Several meetings were held within this period with the aim of achieving long standing peace & the Patriarch had even withdrawn the excommunication of Mor Dionysius. However the rebellious attitude & unilateral decisions of the schismatics only further divided the Church in Malankara. Sadly, St. Ignatius Elias III passed away before he could complete his mission of bringing about peace to the Church. Mor Athanasius along with the Patriarchal Delegate Mor Yulios Elias Qoro & the bishops of Malankara conducted the last rites at Dayro d-Mor Ignatius Manjinikkara.
The Malankara Suriyani Kristhiani Association meeting held at Karingachira Church in 1935 once again reaffirmed Mor Athanasius Paulose as the Malankara Metropolitan. He would diligently serve the Church, protecting it during one of the most difficult periods in history. After serving the Holy Church faithfully for decades, Mor Athanasius Paulose reposed in the Lord on January 25th 1953 at the age of 84. Thousands of faithful thronged to participate in his last rites. He was entombed according to his will at Thrikunnath Seminary Aluva.
The Malankara Church was fortunate & blessed to have Mor Athanasius Paulose as its Metropolitan for 42 years. Under his able guidance, the Church overcame many adverse situations. Unflinching faith & relentless prayers were his greatest strengths. Known for his piety, integrity, sincerity & unceasing devotion to God, the spiritual father is remembered by the Malankara Church with great veneration. Valiyathirumeni loved his people & defended the faith until his last breath, leaving behind a magnificent saintly legacy.
Like his predecessors, Mor Athanasious too was steadfast in upholding the pledge he gave to the Patriarch of Antioch and all the East at the time of his consecration. In recognition of his great efforts in upholding the true Apostolic faith & traditions of the Holy Church, Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem I Barsoum conferred upon Mor Athanasius Paulose the title ‘Defender of the True Faith' (Sathya Viswasa Samrakshakan). Half a century after his repose, in 2004 vis Patriarchal Apostolic Bull No. E 218/04; the late Patriarch of Antioch and all the East HH Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas of blessed memory declared Mor Athanasius Paulose as a saint of the Syriac Orthodox Church. Subsequently, in 2009 the Patriarch permitted the recitation of the name of St. Athanasius Paulose in the 5th Thubden (Thubden d-Qadishe) at all Malankara parishes across the world vis Patriarchal Apostolic Bull No. 152/09.
Biography courtesy of, 'Martyrs, Saints and Prelates of the Syriac Orthodox Church' and Syriac Christianity website
Oh Mor Athanasius Paulose! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
Dedicated Page to the St. Athanasius:
For full biography:
Intercession prayers and hymns during pilgrimage:
St. Gregory of Nazianzus +390
Mor Gregorios was born in Arianzus near Cappadocia town. He is also referred to as "Gregory, the Theologian" He was baptized by his own father in AD 360. He received Christian education and training from his mother from childhood. He was ordained a priest by his father in AD 362 and started rendering help to his father. In AD 372 Gregory was consecrated the Bishop of Sasima, a small town by Mor Baselios. He disliked the lack of independence imposed by administrative responsibilities. Moreover he preferred a solitary life which reduced his interest in being elevated to the rank of a bishop.
He spent a few years combating Arianism. The five speeches delivered by him in the church of Anastasia countering the heresy and defending the doctrine of the Trinity are famous. “The Father is the begetter and emitter, the Son is the begotten and the Holy Spirit is the emission. The begetting of the Son and the Procession of the Spirit are beyond time, so all three are co-eternal. While the Father may be greater than the Son in the sense that he is the cause, he is not greater by nature, for the two are of the same nature. The names, Father and the Son make known to us an intimate relation within the Godhead”
He spoke thus of the preparation of priests when he was a young priest: “We must begin by purifying ourselves before purifying others; we must be instructed to be able to instruct, become light to illuminate, draw close to God to bring Him close to others, be sanctified to sanctify, lead by the hand and counsel prudently. I know whose ministers we are, where we find ourselves and to where we strive. I know God’s greatness and man’s weakness, but also his potential. Who then is the priest? He is the defender of truth, who stands with angels, gives glory with archangels, causes sacrifices to rise to the altar on high, shares Christ’s priesthood, refashions creation, restores it in God’s image, recreates it for the world on high"
Due to the strong protest of the Arian mob and to avoid dissidence he resigned his position in AD 381 and retired to his native place, Arianzus. He spent his time in prayer and fasting until he expired.
St. Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder +374
Father of Gregory the Theologian
Along with his wife Nonna, son Caesarius and daughter Gorgonia
St. Sophia and her children Faith, Hope, and Charity
Sophie (sapientia) or "wisdom" with her three daughters, Faith, Hope, and Charity, (also known as saints Pistis, Elpis, and Aghapi) were martyred in Rome under Hadrian. Sophie was invoked as a saint to fight malaria.
St. Theodotus
Probably Patriarch Theodotus of Antioch
3rd Sunday after Theophany
26 January 2025
The 3rd Sunday after Theophany (had'bshabo tlithoyo d'bothar denho) according to the liturgical calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
The sermon from this Sunday's Gospel recounts the meeting of Christ with Nicodemus, who is told by our Lord that "... No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born anew''
This week, let us reflect and ask ourselves, are we born of the Spirit or are we born of the flesh?
Evening:St. John 3:22-4:3
Morning:St. John 5:30-47
Before Holy Qurbono:Joel 2:21-3:8Jeremiah 31:1-12
Holy Qurbono:I Peter 2:1-10I Corinthians 3:16-4:5St. John 3:1-12
For sermons and commentaries based on the Holy Gospel:
Tone of the Day: 3 (7 for alternate days of the week)
Syriac Prayers:
Sleeba Namaskaram in Tone 3:
St. Longinus of Cappadocia
Centurion who pierced the side of Christ.
St. Vitus the Martyr
"at Nicomedia, Vitus"
St. Xenophon and his family
His wife, Mary, and their two sons, Arcadius and John, of Constantinople
Abba Longinus
27 January 2025
Abbot (hegumenos) of the monasteries in Ennaton Egypt. Supporter of St. Dioscorus, and staunch anti-Chalcedonian.
St. Jacob, the dismembered/mutilated (Mor Yac'ub M’fasqo)
"The holy and pious Mar Jacob the dismembered"
January 27th is the commemoration of the dukhrono of St. Jacob, the dismembered/mutilated +422 according to the Liturgical Calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Mor Yac'ub M’fasqo (St. Jacob the Persian or St. Jacob Intercisus) who was a Persian, lived in the town of Lopoth with his parents. The king of the country, Guharon, had great appreciation for Yac'ub. On knowing that he was a Christian, the king tried to dissuade him from following his belief by tempting him with gifts. This caused Yac'ub to turn away from God. Mor Yac'ub's parents appealed to him through a letter not to give up the true faith, Christianity. He repented & returned to the Christian belief.
After the death of King Guharon, his son Yazdegerd was informed about his change of heart & the new king questioned Yac'ub about it. He informed the king, “Our Saviour has promised a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God” (John 16:2). Your feeling that you respect God is itself a folly. The king was furious listening to him & ordered his ministers to decide a punishment for him. This was the verdict, “He should not be killed all of a sudden. First his fingers, toes, then his hands, legs & hip should be severed. He should be beheaded after being dismembered thus”. Many believers were grieved to hear this verdict. They prayed, ”Oh God the mighty, strengthen him, this servant of yours to escape from this trial with success.”
Yac'ub requested some time for prayer before the callous punishment was implemented. He knelt down turning towards the east & prayed, "Oh God, please listen to this weak servant. Strengthen me at this moment. Bless me to be a friend & comforter to those who love you & receive persecution in your name.” The executioners then chopped off his fingers & toes. He kept on praying even while enduring severe pain. The tormentors slowly cut off his feet, then his lower limbs, followed by his hands and upper limbs. But St. Jacob was not dismayed instead he boldly exclaimed, "I will praise God till my last breath.” Finally, he was decapitated by the persecutors. Thus Mor Yac'ub M’fasqo attained the crown of martyrdom. Faithful Christian believers carried off his body & buried it while reciting Psalm 51.
Oh Mor Yac'ub M’fasqo! Plead for us before God's throne of grace. Amen.
St. John Chrysostom (Mor Ivanios) 'Gold-Mouthed', Patriarch of Constantinople +407
This greatest and most beloved of all Christian orators was born in Antioch the Great in the year 344 or 347; his pious parents were called Secundus and Anthusa. After his mother was widowed at the age of twenty, she devoted herself to bringing up John and his elder sister in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
St. Jude the Apostle
St. Polycarp the Martyr
"in the city of Nicaea, Polykarpos"
St. Ephrem the Syrian (Mor Aphrem Suryoyo) AD 373
28 January 2025
St. Ephrem the Syrian (Mor Aphrem Suryoyo) according to the liturgical calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
Poet, teacher, orator & defender of the faith Mor Aphrem was born in A.D. 306 in Nisibis, modern day Turkey (North-west of Mosul, Iraq). He was ordained deacon in c. A.D. 338 and served the Bishop of Nisibis, Mor Yac'ub, who participated in the Synod of Nicaea (AD 325). He lived as a solitary & never entered into Priesthood remaining a deacon till death.
Ephrem wrote exclusively in Syriac, the Edessene dialect of Aramaic, but his works were translated into Armenian & Greek, & via the latter into Latin and Slavonic. Much of Ephrem's exegetical, dogmatic & ascetic works are in verse form. Tradition tells us that Ephrem heard the heretical ideas put into song first & in order to counteract them made up his own hymns. He wrote several polemical works refuting the heresies of Marcion, Bardaisan, Mani, the Arians & the Anomoeans. He wrote widely regarded Biblical commentaries on Genesis and the Diatesseron. His writings extensively employ typology & symbolism.
St. Ephrem the Syrian, left us in Syriac hundreds of hymns & poems on the faith that inflamed & inspired the whole Church. His memory is revered by all, Syriac Orthodox, and Nestorians/Chaldean. They call him the "sun of the Syrians," ( Shemsho d’Suryoye) & the "harp of the Holy Spirit" (Kenoro d’Ruho) His liturgical poetry had a great influence on Greek hymnography as well. The Catholic Church has declared him 'Doctor of the Holy Church'
St.Ephrem departed to his heavenly abode on 9th of June, A.D. 373. His memory is commemorated every year in the Syriac Orthodox Church on the first Saturday of the Great Lent.
Syriac Prayers for the Feast of Mor Aphrem:
Full biography:
Video biography in Syriac/Aramaic:
Testament of Mor Aphrem, Syriac Hymn "Eno Afrem Moyethno"
Hymn in English:
Syriac hymns of Mor Aphrem from the Beth Gazo:
Bovooso of Mor Aphrem in Malayalam:
Ephrem's Madroshe & the Syriac Orthodox Beth Gazo by HE Mor Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim's Friends & malfono George Kiraz:
യുൽഫോനോ ദ് അപ്രേം പഠന പരമ്പര (courtesy Hymonutho):
Mor Alexander
29 January 2025
Probably abbot of the monastery of Aphtonia?
Mor Palut, bishop of Edessa
Persian Martyrs
St. Severus of Kafar Ze, Abbot of Qartmin
In hagiography: Severus of Kafar Ze was the superior of the Monastery of Qartmin
Mor Severus the Short of Kfarso (destroyed cultic tree) mentioned in the Life of Mor Samuel of Qartmin
Sts. Juventinus, Longinus, and Maximinus
Martyred during the days of Emperor Julian the Apostate.
Hymn of St. Severus of Antioch on the Holy Gentilian Martyrs:
"Evil shall catch the unrighteous man to destruction" (Psalms 140:11)
"When the treacherous crafty tyrant Julian, who surpassed and overcame all men in the wickedness of impiety, was persecuting the worship of God, and was concealing his injurious action by a pretence and a mask of mildness and gentleness, and was envious and bitter against the combatants on account of the crowns of martyrdom, and was by deceit making captive of many and sweeping them away, Juventinus and the valiant men with him, champions and soldiers of Christ, confuted and exposed him, in that they displayed and contended in a gallant conflict of combating prowess, and stripped off the cloak of his deceitfulness and gained crowns of victory and for the combats which they endured: by whose prayers, Christ, God, bestow upon us also understanding and wisdom against ail the wiles of the devil, according to the abundance of thy great mercy."
Transfer of the relics of St. Ignatius of Antioch
The Transfer of the Relics of the Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer: After the holy hieromartyr Ignatius was thrown to the lions in the year 107 on the orders of the emperor Trajan, Christians gathered up his bones and preserved them at Rome.
Later, in the year 108, the saint’s relics were collected and buried outside the gate of Daphne at Antioch. A second transfer, to the city of Antioch itself, took place in the year 438. After the capture of Antioch by the Persians, the relics of the Hieromartyr Ignatius were returned to Rome and placed into the church of the holy Hieromartyr Clement in the year 540 (in 637, according to other sources).
St. Hippolytus of Rome +235
30 January 2025
St. Hippolytus the Martyr
"in the city of Antioch, Hippolytos"
He was martyred in the period of the heretical Novatianists
St. John of Edessa (John Thaumatargus)
31 January 2025
In hagiography: John of Edessa was a priest from Edessa who nourished 12 holy men in a cave. He became friends with Paul of Edessa, his workman, who was actually a Latin bishop in disguise. The two lived a life of prayer and spiritual companionship. They travelled to Sinai. Back in Edessa, they interacted with Matthew the eunuch, a woman hiding in a monastery. They travelled to Jerusalem. Paul performed miracles and fled to Nisibis. John found him there, and Paul told him to return to Edessa. Paul died, and John died 8 months later.
The Virgin Martyrs along with Cyrus & John of Egypt+311
Virgin Martyr Eudoxia at Canopus in Egypt with sisters Theodota and Theoctiste, mother Athanasia, Saints Cyrus and John
Tryphaena of Cyzicus
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